
“I have filled him with the Spirit of God in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all kinds of craftsmanship, to make artistic designs for work” Exodus 31:3-4

Spirit – The Spirit was in the giving business from the very beginning.  Genesis 1:2 tells us that the Spirit of God brooded over the waters like a mother hen, filling the earth with life.  John 3:16 tells us that giving is one of the essential characteristics of God.  He is the God who gave.

The Hebrew word ruach is used for the Spirit of God, for wind and for breath.  It is the word that depicts the mystery of animation – that unknown something that makes life.  Like the wind, its invisible power is seen in the results it has on other things.  God shows Himself in the way that He animates His creation.  And this is the point behind this verse in Exodus.  The Spirit of God gives mysteriously in order that we may make that mystery real.  God fills us with His Spirit in order that we may reveal His purposes.  We make real the mystery of His power.

The Old Testament is filled (no pun intended) with references to the giving power of the Spirit of God.  He gives life to the dead.  He gives understanding.  He gives courage and strength.  He gives direction and purpose.  He gives dreams, prophecies and visions.  Without the Spirit, there is no life.  If we reflect on our own circumstances, we realize that we have intuitively known this truth.  There is a deep and subtle mystery about life that defies analysis.  No matter how diligently I pull the pieces apart, they do not explain all of my experience of living.  There is something more.  It is God’s giving.

Those who honor God recognize their dependence of the Spirit.  Paul points out that the sin that leads to darkness is not a violation of a law.  It is the denial of dependence.  We are judged on the basis of our recognition of His authority and His benevolence.

Have you discovered that the Spirit of God is the animator of your life?  Do you acknowledge your dependence on Him in every moment of your existence?  There is a reason why ruach is the word for Spirit and for breath.  One belongs to the other.  Breathe – and know that it is God’s Spirit that is filling you.

(verse continued tomorrow)

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