
“Therefore there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”  Romans 8:1

Condemnation – God loves you and wants to forgive you.  But watch out!  As soon as you “get saved”, then God turns into the moral policeman who beats you up over every single thing you do wrong.

Is that how you felt?  Did you come to Christ, heart in hand, knowing you needed salvation and then discover that you were bombarded with guilt in your struggle to maintain a Christian walk?  Did God transform Himself from a Father with wide-open arms to a Father whose arms are crossed in stern disapproval?

I grew up in the church community.  I knew the rules.  And most of my life I broke them.  Sometimes deliberately.  Sometimes unintentionally.  I always felt remorse.  I needed forgiveness.  But too often I found that after I asked for forgiveness, I was haunted with guilt.  I could never be good enough, even after being forgiven, to have God’s approval.  I constantly fell on my face.  And I constantly heard the reminder, “You see, I told you so.  You’re just no good.  You can’t make it.”

If you have ever heard those words, STAND UP AND SAY, “There is NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus!”  Paul has just finished the greatest discussion of the Christian tension of life in this world.  And Paul’s answer to that entire struggle is “There is NO condemnation.”   Jesus sets me free!

The Greek word here is katakrima.  It is used only two other times in the New Testament (Romans 5:16 and Romans 5:18).  Scholars believe that this word is not the same as the idea of condemnation in human justice.  In our legal system, there is a difference between the judgment and the execution of the judgment.  The jury gives the judgment and the judge determines the sentencing (the execution of the judgment).  But katakrima means both judgment and execution.  A follower of Jesus Christ is freed from both judgment and sentencing.  Really free! 

Just in case you have any lingering doubts about the scope of this word, Paul introduces the entire thought with a special Greek word for “no”.  It literally means, “not one single thing”.  Not even one single thing can condemn those who follow Christ.

When God accepted you, all judgment and sentencing was set aside.  Those voices you hear saying that you aren’t good enough for God aren’t coming from Him.  Tell them to get lost.  You’ve been found.

Today:  If my old tape plays a message of condemnation, I will push the STOP button.



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