
“if My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven”  2 Chronicles 7:14

Humble – The most painful act a human being can perform is to humble himself.  Remember that time when you were blamed for something you didn’t do?  Remember when you were insulted without cause?  Remember the rush of justification when you got caught doing something wrong?  Remember how hard it was to say, “I’m sorry”?  Being humble is mortifying to ego, and most of us carry around pretty large quantities of ego.  Humbling means submitting to someone else.  Fifteen uses of this word kana refer to a king or a nation deliberately submitting to God.  That’s down on your knees, face to the floor, broken hearted repentance. 

Did you notice that this is the first action of people who claim to belong to God?  It’s not “Pray and turn, then make yourselves humble.”  No, it’s “Humble yourselves first.”  Come into submission.  Give up running your own life.  Take orders.  Put yourself under God’s authority. 

This is a very strong word.  Eighteen times it is used to describe military subjection.  It’s the result of losing the war.  Someone else gives the orders now.  Someone else sets the rules.  Kana is the word of forced submission.  God says that you have to give up your rights to Him.  You have to submit to His way of doing things.  Arrogance and self-sufficiency must be left behind.   There are no exceptions in this battle plan.  It is either submit or die.

The next time you wonder why God doesn’t answer, do a submission check.  Who’s really commanding your actions?  Who’s really giving the orders?  Are you living in an occupied land or have you moved to your own demilitarized zone?  Are you a foot soldier, taking orders or are you trying to act like the general, giving commands?


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Thank you, Abba for these words. Love, Cathy