Thunderous Whispers

“and these are but the outer fringe of his works; how faint the whisper we hear of him!” Job 26:14 (NIV)

Thunderous Whispers

Whisper – Have you ever really considered the power of God?  Oh, we casually speak of His majesty, His creative acts and His miracles.  But we have a kind of Cecille B. deMille version of God’s power.  We almost believe that it is some sort of “special effects” magic.  Maybe not quite real.  After all, how many of us have actually seen a miracle?  How many of us who claim to have witnessed a miracle have seen nothing more (or less?) than a medical or financial recovery?  Sight to the blind, restoration of limbs, resurrection of the dead – those don’t seem to be on the agenda anymore.  Do you suppose that God has changed His tactics or could there be another reason why miracles seem to pose as merely unexplained mechanisms of science and economics?

We live in a culture that has been anesthetized to divine majesty.  Perhaps the barrage of spiritual chatter has deafened us.  Maybe the clutter of sacred images has blinded us.  No matter how it occurred, we are numb.  We don’t expect to see God’s power because deep down we no longer believe that God can do anything.  We say the words but they are not part of our way of looking at life.  We have put up a high wire, concrete wall between “sacred” and “secular”.  It’s fine to talk about the history of God’s actions in church, but when it comes to the real world, it’s more or less just about being a better person.

Job shouts a resounding “NO!”  Job calls us to dramatically shift our view about life.  If God is the Creator, then all that we have seen of His handiwork thus far is nothing more than the faintest of whispers of His power.  Did you think speaking the universe into existence was something fabulous?  It certainly was, but it was only a tiny glimmer of what God can do.  Did that sink in?  Everything so far is just the very edge of what God’s up to.

Put your problems up against that!  Did you think God abandoned you?  Did you think He forgot you?  Did you think He couldn’t take care of the enormous problem you face?  Who are you kidding?  The next time you start feeling like God can’t manage your problems, go outside and look up – way up.  Look past the moon and the stars.  See if you can see the end of what He has already done.  Then remember.  It’s only shemets – a whisper of His power.

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