Biblical Deductive Logic

For Ezra had set his heart to seek the law of YHWH, and to do it, and to teach in Israel statutes and ordinancesΒ  Β Ezra 7:10

To Seek“Does this salad dressing have bacon in it?”Β  “Yes,” he replied.Β  “Then I’ll have to skip it, please.”Β 

The other men at the table looked up.Β  “Hey, what’s the matter with you?Β  This tastes great.”Β  “I’m sure it does,” I replied, “but I can’t eat it.Β  It’s pork.”Β 

“Are you Jewish or something?”Β  “No, I’m not, but God asks me to live differently than the rest of the world.Β  This is just one of those differences.”Β  The opportunity to express God’s goodness presented itself simply because I asked for vinegar and oil.Β  What would have happened if I hadn’t made that choice?

It’s time to reflect on our unspoken evangelism. Β What we say is far less important than how we live.Β  That’s the point of Torah obedience.Β  Let me offer a little explanation.

Torah obedience covers nearly every aspect of life.Β  God gives us His instructions about how to live a life that will accomplish His purposes.Β  It doesn’t always seem to make sense to us, but that really doesn’t matter.Β  After all, I am not smart enough or wise enough to see God’s eternal purposes in His daily requests.Β  I just know that He asks – and that’s enough.Β  So, living according to Torah becomes a way for me to demonstrate that my life is under His control, even when I don’t talk about it.Β  The intention of Torah obedience is to be different!Β  After all, what message can I send to the world that desperately needs a Savior if my behaviors are the same as those who are lost?Β  By being Torah-observant, I stand out.Β  And when I stand out, people ask why.Β  Then I am given the natural opportunity to express my trust in my Lord.Β  Even salad dressing can become an evangelistic tool.

Of course, silent evangelism is not the only reason for Torah obedience.Β  I also decide to follow God’s instructions about living because He is God.Β  Unlike the Greek mindset, I do not get the right to ask God to explain Himself to me before I consent to His request.Β  I obey first.Β  If He decides to explain why, that’s just an added benefit.Β  Ezra understood how important this principle is.Β  He determined to seek God’s will and to live it.Β  The Hebrew word is darash.Β  It is primarily a word about deduction.Β  Ezra deduces what God wants from our lives by intense, careful study of God’s Word.Β  Judaism has a term for this kind of study.Β  It’s called midrash – the systematic approach to Scripture that allows the words to be applied in contemporary life.Β  For example, not eating pork becomes a means of evangelism, a way to honor God and a health benefit.Β  Abstaining from pork is not about “working my way to righteousness.”Β  It’s not legalism.Β  It is simply obedience, born from gratitude and the desire to honor Him.Β  There’s nothing more to it – except, of course, all those interesting conversations that come at the dinner table.Β 

Ultimately, Torah-observance is about trust.Β  Do I trust that God really knows what He is asking me to do even if I don’t get it?Β  Do I trust who He is even if I can’t always understand His ways?Β  Am I willing to trust Him enough to be different just for His sake?

Unreflective Christian theology often attempts to draw a hard line between grace and works, claiming that observing Torah instructions is a “works-based” salvation.Β  Nothing could be further from the truth.Β  Living Torah is honoring the God who saved me by grace.Β  I do it so that I please Him and He uses me for His purposes.Β  I do it in order to make a difference.

So, no more ham and cheese, please.

Topical Index:Β  Torah, dietary laws, darash, midrash, pork, evangelism, Ezra 7:10

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I hope you continued this conversation further… in a more engaging way! It sounds like you’re saying, “God asks me to be different… from YOU! And if God is asking, different from you must mean BETTER. Therefore, even in salad dressing, I am better than you!”

I’m sure this was not your intention, but I’m aware that what we view as “spiritual” sometimes reflects surface differences rather than the deeper connection among all God’s creation — Jew and Gentile alike. In other words, God called the the Jews to be a light TO the nations, not just to be separate from (or superior to) them.

Tom White


The issue is not about being better, it is about being “holy”. The GOD of all creation determined which animals He considered fit for His people to eat, and which ones were not. Obedience to His instructions is a means to set us apart (become holy). o/o/

Lev 20:25-26 NASB ‘You are therefore to make a distinction between the clean animal and the unclean, and between the unclean bird and the clean; and you shall not make yourselves detestable by animal or by bird or by anything that creeps on the ground, which I have separated for you as unclean. 26 ‘Thus you are to be holy to Me, for I the Lord am holy; and I have set you apart from the peoples to be Mine. [also read the whole chapter of Lev 11]

GOD’s chosen people are blessed when we act in obedience and cursed when we do not (even if we are already redeemed). We can receive curses on earth even while being redeemed if we continue to sin [this should be obvious as we observe the body of Messiah around us πŸ˜‰ ] . The Children of Israel understood this concept. That is why at the Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15) they included a kosher item in the admonitions to the (previously) gentile assemblies. They understood that the Doctrine of Balaam (assimilation- becoming profane- becoming like those not chosen) was the way that Satan could get us to curse ourselves [Num 25:1-9 & 31:16]. That is why those 4 admonitions became requrements for fellowship (NOT for salvation). πŸ™‚

The Holy One wants His people to be blessed and not cursed. That is why He gave us instructions in being holy- being set-apart. What we eat does not make us better [even pagans can eat right πŸ˜‰ ], but according to the Word of GOD it does make us holier- more set-apart! πŸ™‚


I have been wondering about this for quite a while now.

Also, about that statement of “Everything that’s important happens in the first three chapters of Genesis.” If that is true, what about the instruction that all of the seed-bearing fruit is given for food. It would appear that meat (of any kind) was not available for food until after physical death for humans became inevitable. I have never considered the possibility of that exception being an ‘oversight’ on God’s part. Considering how toxic some people believe that animal products are for humans, I have (jokingly) pictured the Creator saying something like, “They might as well eat meat now, they are going to die anyway!” πŸ™‚


OK, now I’m stumped and couldn’t get past the pork part. All my born-again life I am left to believe that it is now permitted. (Acts 10:10-16) I’m not looking for a fight and the truth is I never buy pork anyway, but why should it now be an issue and how much of a witness can that really be? It just seems like another rule. We are strange enough in this world already.

Tom White


I would encourage you to re-read Acts 10. Consider:

-The Almighty uses an example of things that He has determined to be clean vs unclean (animals), and contrasts that with things that things (men) that He has NOT called unholy or unclean [yet Jewish traditions and oral law did].

-Cornelius and his household was already a “GOD-fearer”. He was already set-apart in all ways except circumcision, including his diet. Thus they were in fact already holy.

-Peter never changes his eating habits and in fact rejects three times the possibility of eating anything GOD considers unclean. In fact he was “greatly perplexed” as to the meaning of his dreams.

-Peters own summation was that the Holy One was showing him that he needed to change the way he regarded gentiles coming to faith in the GOD of Israel through Messiah [Acts 10:28-29; 10:34-35].

Tom White

The issues of “clean and unclean” can be derived from Gen 3. We find from the transgressions in the Garden of Eden that the Holy One places curses upon Adam (man), Eve (woman), and the serpent (animal). Separation from GOD and death has now entered this world and “realms of death” keep us separated from our Creator- the source of Life!

Through Adam, death would come to mankind. Corpse contaimination is majorly defiling and this “realm of death” separates us (temporarily) from the presence of the GOD of Life- death cannot come near Him- as seen in the inability to draw near Him at the Tabernacle when “unclean”!

Through Eve, we have the neccessity of birth (for continuation of life due to death). Menstruation and birth while associated with (temporary) life, they are neccessitated because of death. They also bring on life due to die. Therefore they are associated with the “realm of death” and cause temporary “uncleaness” and separation from the presence of GOD.

Through the serpent, we have the realization that there are animals that take life (carnivores) or those that debride corpses (scavengers). Satan wants to take life because life is a gift from YHWH. Largely the Holy One’s instructions of animals to avoid eating fall in those two categories. Their flesh is associated with “realms of death”. Notice that no unclean animal is ever used for a sacrifice. We as temples of the Holy Spirit also should not bring in unclean animals! πŸ™‚

We have a very difficult time understanding “clean and unclean” because the English words have so much baggage attached to them. “Clean and unclean”- “tahor and tamei” have much more of a meaning when we know they are just terms associated with “realms of death”, and therefore separating from closeness with GOD. They are inevitable in our world and reminders of our state of being in this fallen world. Yet all of the above causes of uncleaness/tamei are temporary and can be overcome so that once more we can draw near to YHWH- which is His hearts desire! o/o/


Wow! This touched a nerve! For what it’s worth, my comment was not about the food, but about the conversation. I understand not eating pork. If you believe not eating pork brings you closer to God, then you CANNOT eat pork, as Paul clearly outlines.

It’s the others at the table I am thinking about. I read the story from the perspective of your guests. There is nothing wrong with being different. In fact, as many of you have noted, we are CALLED to be different! Not being our former selves is a good thing — a blessed thing!

But I have noticed that sometimes in the Christian “sub-culture” an unstated spiritual superiority arises in our thinking and actions — one that of course we would deny, because it so clearly contradicts the example of Jesus. Nonetheless, I have found myself thinking more about keeping myself separate than using my difference to CONNECT with other people… that this is the PURPOSE of being different… to engage with and guide others! THerefore, I wonder what next could have been said at the table to explain and engage others in your journey from pork to God! (;-)

Tom White

I believe the key in discourse with fellow brethren (or non-brethren) when discussing issues of faith is to keep a humble attitude. We would not have better understanding of the Holy One except that He drew us by His Spirit. No one has reached perfection, yet we are all journeying along that path by the grace and example of the Messiah. Truely no one has basis for being smug, realizing that all of our righteous deeds are nothing but filthy rags before YHWH.

Having said that, what frequently happens is the persons receiving revelation feels condemned in their spirit because of their own transgression. This then frequently causes them to project condemnation coming from you, and they act and speak defensively. All we can do is react and speak in love without backing down from what is true. πŸ™‚

PS: If you are referencing Rom 14, the issue is meats sacrificed to idols and not clean vs unclean animals. πŸ˜‰ It is GOD’s truth that eating pork separates us from Him [holy vs profane], not our opinion of it. It is also true that if we eat something He approves of yet we believe to be wrong (because of a false doctrine- ex. that we should not eat meat at all), then we are condemned because we acting in a way that we believe is wrong, then our condemnation comes from our spirit of rebellion. πŸ™‚

Tom White

Sorry to be so verbose! It is the Sabbath and my family is out of town [and in the Land of Israel o/o/ ], so I had extra time on my hands. πŸ˜‰
Shalom alechem! πŸ™‚

LaVaye Ed Billings

Tom White, I read your many earlier blogs about noon time, and went to prepare food: I made bread, veggie soup, we ate. I had printed Skip’s Biblical Deductive Logic, and took it reread it, and began to reflect on scriptures that would help me to remember why it was that I was concerned about the first part of it. I spent sometime doing that, and seemed to be making progress and was peaceful.
Then I began to prepare for Sunday ( we still remember/honor that day here) I came in here to the computer where I can sit under the hair dryer after bathing & doing my hair.

AND I AM ASSUMING, HERE WAS YOUR LAST BLOG FOR THE DAY on the computer. In a way, I rather hope your family does not travel out of town again, so you will not have so much time on your hands!, But then I am glad I got to laugh so much again, and write all this! ( I had just told my husband at breakfast, that I was not going to write regularly)

I am not really the brethren, but anyway I just read your above note, and I laughed aloud so hard, it just hit me as really funny, and it made me forgot what I had intended to write, & just to comment on what came to me out of your funny blog.

Well, I just got a dose of what I prescribed to all my own blood children, grandchildren, and my only sister ( 16 years younger than me–she is only five years older than our son), and my closest friends, two days ago in an e-mail that I sent out to them on the name of Isaac. ( we now have a greatgrandson, and greatnephew, and close friend all three named Isaac, & are-one year old or younger.)

Then my daughter writes this week that she has named her bedraggled little tree that I started from seed in a pot here three years ago, & had given to her to plant in a new yard of a new home. Tornado winds beat it up in the summer, and then recently with new leaves, the deer came through and took it back down. But once again with the warm days, it was putting on more leaves. So she named the little tree Isaac, too, because she remembered that Isaac means LAUGHTER, and that David Willard in ones of his books, says that Abraham and Sarai, understood that Isaac was a wonderful reminder that God breaks through!

Well, I took that e-mail, and added what had happened to me the night before, when my 80 year old husband had been really ill with the flue for about four days. ( yes, he had a flue shot, but he substitutes regularly at the H.S. here–and–he got the real flue). I had gone on being very well, but that night, by throat became a little scratchy—sooo??. He was so bored from being ill, and his eyes could not read another thing, and he asked me to watch a DVD with him. I seldom do that, and almost never watch TV— period, that does not go back to my religious views on being taught DO NOT!.
— But it goes back to the late 1960’s when I was so seeking the Lord Jesus, and desired so much to really know Him. We had been privileged to hear some in depth Bible Teachers from Keswick ( an English program of over a hundred years then) that came where we lived ( in a city that was to bring great teachers there for a few years in the 70’s) It was awesome. My husband and I grabbed on anew to the Word of God. I began to see people and hear of more, that knew a living Jesus, and I so wanted that.
Prior to that, I had a few years of many severe illnesses,( we lived in Asia one year, & some came from there) I began to read such books as Charles Allen’s book, -“God’s Psycharity”, The Model Prayer, Catherine Marshall’s, “Something More”, & Dale Evan’s Roger’s,” Woman at the Well”. ( which I reviewed to my SS class meeting of 25 women, and believe me this was not a group of women to cry !–But every woman was weeping when it was finished
I sat my face like flint to seek the Lord; I told Him that my time was almost taken, with a teaching job, our own blood children, and the one’s put in my door to care for ( God was good, usually just one extra one at a time–friends of our own children that fell through the cracks. My husband has a PhD from IU, and his entire career was in College Athletics. I had tried to be at least visible in some of the major games, but I earnestly and sincerely told the Lord, “No more, Gyms, and no more TV for me. –Whatever time I have left from the basics of my jobs, I will take that time and read the Word –which I had done to some extent for most of my life, or I will read books that relate to You, and I will pray, and teach our children to love these things.”—
So that has stayed in effect for about 39 years! ( we actually had children living full time in our home for 31 years).
But I considered my husband’s needs this week, and said,” Okay, I will watch a dvd with you.”( our kids buy us the ones they think we need–we trust them ). I was silently praying oh Lord, you know my heart is not in this, but I will try to think on you and pray when it is not interesting or worthwhile. Well, it is a DVD that had some humours parts ( all clean), and I was laughing ,really laughing aloud through it. Afterwards, I realized that I my throat was well, and it was through the night, and that was the end of me getting the flue.
So I wrote to the kids about reading in the past about laughter being healing, and I had never really believed it before. And I sent them all the above statements on Isaac’s name meaning laughter of course, and that Dallas Willard had stated that Abraham & Sari knew God could break through! What a great sense of humor, God has! And that you showed as you wrote the above, and I am sure many others have among us. I love it. LaVaye/Ed ( L.B.)

Tom White

HalleluaYah and Amen.
While I am opinionated on this topic, in practice I really do extend alot of grace. πŸ™‚
(His) love does cover a multitude of (our) sins! o/o/o/

LaVaye Ed Billings

Not to Lavaye Ed Billings, but from them again., especially to Tom White–on Humor:
our final closure:

Salaam means “a greeting”
Salaam alaikum – Blessings of God upon you

YES, THAT IS CORRECT–WE LIVED A YEAR IN AN ISLAMIC COUNTRY, WITH 95% Muslim people, and we do understand about not eating pork!

Tom White

Sister [if you are in Messiah, then we are brethren πŸ™‚ ],
Glad to have injected some levity into your day! πŸ˜‰ Blessings and peace unto you! πŸ™‚
Shalom alechem (Luke 24:36)

Maria Cochrane

Skip – how do you PICK which Jewish laws you will follow? I understand that not eating pork can be a conversation opener to sharing the Gospel..but how do you explain should they ask you if you still offer animal sacrifices for sin?

Tom White

-First remember that if they come from the Bible (not the Talmuc- sage teachings), they are not “Jewish laws” but the teachings and instructions from the Almighty Himself.

-Consider that all the ‘laws’ from the Torah do not apply to any single individual. Some apply to men, some to women, some to children, some to parents, some to Levites, some to priests, and some to the high priest- and I am probalbly missing some other categories πŸ˜‰

-Consider that while all of YHWH’s laws are expressions of the Lawgiver and His attributes and therefore are eternal– not all laws/commandments/statutes/judgments have current application.

-We understand that Yahushua’s blood atones for us before the throne of GOD Most High. According to Torah, an animal sacrifice must be brought to the Temple (therefore it only applies to being in the Land) and to the Levitical priesthood. Since we are not in the Land, there is no Temple, and no fucntioning priesthood- even by Torah we cannot offer animal sacrifices! So by not offering animal sacrifices today we are in fact keeping Torah! o/o/ The pictures of these sacrifices and the intercession of the priests do show us the means by which YHWH accepts His atonement through the blood of Yahushua- which is eternal! πŸ™‚

matt woodward

Romans 14:20
Dr. Moen, i have a question. I live in the New Orleans area, a place where food is very important. everything here revolves around food and drink. This has been very important for us in engaging in relationships and discipling people “in our going”. The food is mostly shell fish, crab, shrimp and crawfish. These are the parties and gatherings in which we meet so many new people and build friendships with. My question is based on what you wrote and Romans 14. Am I misreading what Paul is saying? Do i forgo crawfish at a crawfish boil while meeting new people? Not sure if you have seen the culture here but food is just thrown on a table covered with newspaper and everyone dives into the tables with drink in hand for hours. I would love to hear your thoughts.

Tom White

In context of the whole passage and place and time- the issue of Rom 14 (as well as 1Cor 8) is about holy vs profane (foods sacrificed to idols) and not clean vs unclean animals. “All things are clean” if they are food to us- unclean animals are not meant to be food for us. πŸ˜‰

I know that you wrote to get Skip’s opinion, and rather than just give you mine- another opinion of man- I thought I would direct you to the Word of GOD so that it can direct your path. I recommend that you read all passages in the context of the particular book and the context of the whole Word of GOD. May His Holy Spirit lead you along the paths of righteousness that His light may shine before all men through you! πŸ™‚

Lev 11:45-47 NASB [read all Lev 11]
45 ‘For I am the LORD, who brought you up from the land of Egypt, to be your God; thus you shall be holy for I am holy.'”
46 This is the law regarding the animal, and the bird, and every living thing that moves in the waters, and everything that swarms on the earth, 47 to make a distinction between the unclean and the clean, and between the edible creature and the creature which is not to be eaten.

Matt 5:17-19 NAS
17 “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law [Torah] or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill. 18 “For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass away from the Law [Torah], until all is accomplished. 19 “Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and so teaches others, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

1 John 5:1-3 NAS
5:1 Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God; and whoever loves the Father loves the child born of Him. 2 By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and observe His commandments. 3 For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome.

1 John 2:1-6 NAS
2:1 My little children, I am writing these things to you that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; 2 and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world. 3 And by this we know that we have come to know Him, if we keep His commandments. 4 The one who says, “I have come to know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him; 5 but whoever keeps His word, in him the love of God has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him: 6 the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked.

Rom 8:6-8 NASB
6 For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace, 7 because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so; 8 and those who are in the flesh cannot please God.

Heb 10:26-31 NASB [read 26-30]
26 For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins,

Luke 6:46 NASB [read 6:46-49]
46 “And why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?

Jay Culotta

I live in the New Orleans metro area also, but shortly after I was saved and began reading the Bible, I did drastically curtail my consunption of shellfish, catfish and pork. I did so because of the “scavenger” nature of these creatures. No matter how we might like to think differently, creatures that eat other dead animals and garbage are by nature not consuming nutrients that we humans need to obtain by eating.

Patrick Sullivan Jr. (Skip's Tech Geek)

Here’s some “facts” about pork.

I say “facts” because I didn’t verify these anywhere else. I did search around on the National Pork Producer Council’s website (and try to contact their Twitter page for a rebuttal), but it was sparse.

I searched around on FDA website too, but it was sparse.

Regardless, I stopped eating pork and shellfish etc in October-ish of 2008. I do miss the taste of bacon, but I don’t regret the decision. And I’ve had these same kinds of conversations that Skip alluded too.

I would agree, I too have stopped eating pork products (bummer because i really love bacon too, that turkey bacon stuff just doesn’t cut it). But my question from the start was more in regards to a missional point of view. Crawfish boils are a huge part of society here. Everyone gathers around crawfish and beer. Last year we had a few of our own in our back yard (in attempts to build relationships and make disciples) and all the neighbors come for it. Its just not the same when you say your barbequing chicken. Boiling crawfish is more of an event, its a social atmosphere that takes place not just around eating but around the whole prep, cooking, seasoning, cooling down, and then the eating. Its like fondue on steroids. So my question was, based on Romans 14:20, if I go to these parties in which i am invited and all they have is crawfish, do I eat?

Patrick Sullivan Jr. (Skip's Tech Geek)

Matt, my advice is at the next crawfish boil, don’t eat crawfish, and just see what happens.

Tom White

Go ahead and eat…, just none of the creatures that our GOD has told us not to. πŸ™‚ As Skip said, it does give us an opportunity to witness. Yahushua’s directive for us was to repent- turn back to the ways of GOD. We can’t teach keeping GOD’s ways by transgressing His ways.

PS: Smile alot and give a ton of grace! πŸ™‚
PSS: You may want to bring ’emergency food’ in case there is nothing ‘clean’. πŸ˜‰