Rowing Gently Into The Storm

In the last few weeks, many in our cyber community have engaged in the dialogue about the written and oral Torah, its place in the lives of believers and its status in the life of Jesus and Paul.  This is all good debate as it is intended to bring us closer and closer to imitating…

Día 9 – Leyendo al Revés

Por tanto, que nadie se constituya en vuestro juez con respecto a comida o bebida, o en cuanto a día de fiesta, o luna nueva, o día de reposo; (Col 2:16 LBLA) Nadie – Toda carta escrita por Pablo encaja en el contexto cultural de la audiencia a quién la dirigió. El primer principio de…

Turning Up The Volume

The sorrows of those who have bartered for another god will be multiplied  Psalm 16:4 Multiplied – Life without the Lord is increasingly miserable.  That’s the biblical message.  It sometimes doesn’t appear that way.  After all, the systems of this world support rebellion against God, rewarding those who actively engage in disobedience.  But, as the…