Recently we asked for some feedback to help us understand your needs and desires. 328 readers responded to our survey. You might be pleased (and perhaps surprised) at the results. Here are some of the things we discovered.

1. More than 50% of readers have been getting Today’s Word for 1-3 years. Another 25% have been readers for more than 3 years. Only 10% have been added in the last 6 months. COMMENT: I am so glad to see such a loyal following. We are really getting to know each others. At the same time, we’re not adding many. Maybe we need to invite those who are special to us to join us.

2. More than 40% came to Today’s Word by personal invitation. 22% found it on-line. COMMENT: I can keep up the on-line stuff but if we are going to affect the lives of others, it’s pretty clear it depends on you.

3. 65% read Today’s Word at least 3 times a week, 40% of that number read it every day! Hooray! It is working.

4. 27% say they have to work to understand the message, but they do get it. 71% say they get it right away. Only 2% say they have a lot of trouble. COMMENT: I will keep trying to make it even clearer.

5. 40% say they forward the email. COMMENT: GREAT! That’s how we reach others. But please invite them to join us. There is value in commitment.

6. Nearly 75% hardly ever go to the web site. COMMENT: OUCH! Obviously I have to do a lot of improvements here. There is a lot of ADDITIONAL stuff on the web site and most readers aren’t taking advantage of that. My fault.

7. ONLY 2% write blog comments. This is a stab in my heart. I know most people don’t like to write, but this is so important because it is now we get to know each other. Without this vital channel, I can’t direct help toward those who need it. I am imploring you to re-think this. By the way, a lot more people READ the comments, but don’t write.

8. 95% (!!!!) of you say that this ministry has dramatically changed your life! THANK YOU! Now we need to bring in others.

9. But only 43% say that involvement in the community is important. COMMENT: More work is needed from me on this one.

10. 19% are monthly supporters. 28% are occasional supports. 27% have only contributed once or not at all. COMMENT: If you are in these last two categories, please reconsider. I need the help. So do those who are part of our body.

11. FINALLY, for now, 40% (133 people) said that they wanted to come to a FAMILY REUNION. WOW! GREAT! We will do it. Announcement coming soon.

Thank you all. This is a confirmation of a dream. WE BELONG!

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Amanda Youngblood

Interesting results… I wonder if people are afraid to comment because they are intimidated by the level of knowledge of intelligence of the people who do comment. I know that sometimes I’m a little afraid someone’s going to think I’m completely ignorant or that I have no idea what I’m talking about… on the other hand, if anyone’s ever read some of my comments they might laugh at how I shoot myself in the foot sometimes! I don’t know how to improve the numbers, if that’s the goal, short of maybe doing a contest based on posting (not necessarily in relation to a particular post) where the prize is maybe one of your books or something.

I LOVE this site, and I think the extra content is one of the reasons I always read from the site. If you do a site redesign, I think it would be nice to find a way to showcase some of the non-daily things like articles, mp3s, pictures, etc. Maybe add a “featured content slider” that scrolls through previews of some of these areas so people know they’re there. I’m in the middle of a VERY messy site redesign, and I’ll let you know what I figure out. 🙂 There are lots of things like this available for free, but also a HUGE community of premium WordPress themes available for under $50 that come with lots of bells and whistles.

Thanks for the numbers update. Some of the numbers surprised me, but it’s interesting to see how other people think. I greatly appreciate all the work you put into this site, and for pouring out your life into ours.


During a recent Bible study, I asked the others if we needed to be doing it differently, since I was not getting the verbal feedback, comments, and questions I expected. (I tend to speak up, and that’s an understatement.) A couple of participants told me they were SOAKERS! They have to listen and digest things for it to SOAK IN. They need to meditate on new information and mull it over in their minds to make sense of it. We are each one unique, and understand things in our own way.

I love the teaching you offer, Skip. I look forward to each new day’s lesson. Thank you so much.


Undoubtedly this venue supports many good things … hopefully spreading the Kingdom by providing sound teaching, a proper context and framework in which to respond to G_D MOST HIGH! On this level …. the success story continues … praise Yeshua!

Yet was it not Skip’s objective to create a community? Skip was looking for commitment not just in the way of financial contribution but more importantly in the way of fellowship, sharing of ideas and experiences, emotional and prayer support … etc.

In looking at the results it would seem that there should be a significantly greater number of TW members able and willing to engage … as one would expect of a community. The survey results indicate that we are (by behavior) a group of readers as opposed to a community of active engagers.

Perhaps expecting a cyber-fellowship to thrive was simply too great of an expectation … on the other hand we know that “all things are possible with YHVH”!

In any event I will speak up on behalf of Skip! There is nothing wrong with the idea …. there is nothing wrong with the message. Blogging might not be the easiest method of communicating but it is what is available to us. No sacrifice no gain! No communication … no sharing … no sharing … no community!

I feel your pain Skip!

Jimmy Burgess

I have been on this journey for nearly 6 years now. I have to admit that it has changed the way I think, has made me analyze every word I read and hear, and has caused much friction among “church” friends. But my questions are still the same as they were 6 years ago: What am I supposed to be “doing” daily, and what am I supposed to be observing? I have been in full-time vocational ministry for 7 years. I know that much of the focus and beliefs within our church are not biblical. I can play the game of appeasement for a paycheck. I experience the struggle. I debate the differences. I teach the opposite when it comes to mindset and worldview, but the fact still remains that I have no idea what needs to change in my actions. This was some of my remarks on the survey. Once again: HELP! I feel like I’m drowning in a “knowledge” bowl. It has to be more than simple and different information……By the way, I have stopped eating pork and seafood, but what else? 🙂



Jimmy … If I did not think that the behaviors described below were applicable to everyone I would not respond … anyway …

You ask “What else?”

I would suggest trying the basics: Observe Shabbat, the New Moons, the Mo’adim! (Sounds like little changes but making the shift is an absolute life changer) … If you don’t have access to a Messianic Community then fetch information about such matters via the WEB … or request that Skip allow us to upload collateral for dissemination on this site!

I would suggest (in conjunction with the new mindset) reciting the Hebraic Prayers (The Amidah) on a daily basis … and learn to do so in YHVH’s prayer language … Hebrew! Say the Sh’ma Yisrael … every day! (Again the prayers are gettable online)

I would suggest that you review the mitzvot kadashim (Holy Commandments) of YHVH … and really look for the principles beyond the literal conventions … don’t try and explain why they don’t apply but rather understand how they do apply. (Again the mitzvot are gettable online)

I would suggest you challenge yourself and ask why basic commands such as wearing tzittzit are so problematic (presuming for instance that you may not obey this commandment)

I would question what one watches on the boob-box (TV) … most programming is unfit for consumption by a person in relationship with The LORD.

Ultimately we are supposed to be a peculiar people … a people set apart! Unfortunately (at least for me) this has resulted in most of my friends no longer being friends … I am now that odd fellow who does those Jewish traditions. (LOL) I am that person who is a fanatic … and you know what? I plead guilty because The Lord wants us to be fanatical about HIM and only HIM! But … I’ve not lost my job … despite the strains in the household my family remains in tact … and I am much happier!

But remember … Torah is not a check list! You can’t chase actions … you can’t earn points! Torah is rather an understanding of principles committed to mind and heart that can readily be applied as opportunities are presented … because The Spirit enables as much! Torah is the means of being purposeful on the terms that YHVH has determined to be acceptable.

This however does not negate the literal components of Torah … meant to be obeyed in order to bring: submission, order, blessing, similarity and continuity to the community. If one observes just the Biblical food standards, wears the tzittzit, observes the appointed times, fellowships with believers … I can tell you that submission in these areas will change your life … take it from me … this is true and you can depend upon it.

It was with these basic elements of Torah that my transformation really began. I was able to make the leap from just staving off the sin to becoming someone useful … a member of Israel!

Most assuredly there are very elegant theological positions that will try and convince you that you don’t need the things that I reference herein … but deep down I think you know what G_D desires for you! He wants us to be part of Israel … not just empathize with or understand Israel!

I’ve been in your shoes … they can be quite tight at times! … So stop drowning and start swimming! Obedience is the key!


request that Skip allow us to upload collateral for dissemination on this site!

Hi Drew,

Thanks for the advice; I’d like to see the collateral!

jose armando chacon

Bendiciones: Realmente aquí hay riquezas del cielo,lo que se puede llegar a entender de las escrituras es grande en gran manera,quita velos,lo hace parar mas en la roca firme,de echo que comparto con otros, y quedan sorprendidos,me ha servido contra aquellos que refutan,maxime cuando uno la habla de Israel,y lo que su cultura idiomatica.shalom

James Watkins

Although I am sad to say I missed the deadline to participate in the survey, I enjoyed reading the results and I think they reflect well on the mission. I have been reading Today’s Word for many years (by personal invitation); it has changed my understanding of theology, to be sure; I have forwarded tons of the daily articles over the years; and while I am not able to contribute financially at this moment, as soon as I am able I surely will.