Blood Brothers

And Moses took the blood and sprinkled on the people and said, “Behold, the blood of the covenant which YHWH has cut with you concerning these things.” Exodus 24:8  (J. Green translation)

Blood – The New Testament authors lay emphasis on the blood of Yeshua.  We now take it for granted that they are expressing the need for a blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin.  We don’t find their statements unusual or surprising.  But maybe we should.  A thorough examination of the relationship between blood and covenant in the Tanakh leads to this unexpected result.  “The only verse which seems to hint at this directly is Exodus 24:8 with its reference to the application of blood to the participants, namely, the altar as the representative of God on the one side and the people on the other.”[1] In spite of our common assumption that blood, sin, forgiveness and covenant are all tied together, there is only one verse in the entire Hebrew Scriptures that suggests this connection.  Since blood sacrifice and covenant seem so important, we must ask why we only find this once.

To answer the question, we need to dig deeper into the background of Semitic tribal law.   All of the cultures surrounding Israel practiced a form of covenant that was the basis of legal agreements between parties.  Many of these practices involved rituals (like meals, oaths and physical symbols of the agreement – see Genesis 31:44 ff).  Israel’s covenants were not new.  They were simply modified in some cases.  These Semitic covenants seem to be based first and foremost on blood relations.  This helps us see why blood is part of the covenant between God and Israel.  The blood of the covenant establishes a blood relation between God and His people.  What this means in the Semitic world is that God and His people are now one!  They are of the same family, tied together for eternity by blood.  The symbolic use of blood sprinkled on the people and the altar establishes the unalterable, permanent, inviolable, legal connection.  From this point forward, Israel is God’s son and it is no more possible to break this relationship than it is to break the genealogical relationship between any father and son.  Quell writes, “The most that we can say is that this material gives a certain plausibility to the view that even in the custom of Israel we are dealing with blood rites which have nothing to do with sacrifice but which are designed to establish a fellowship of substance between covenant partners.”[2]

We will have to rethink the statements of the New Testament authors.  If the covenant of blood is about establishing a familial relationship with YHWH, then the sacrifice of Yeshua must be about something else.  God already established the blood relation at Sinai.  No new relation was needed or necessary.  God’s family included all who participated in the covenant no matter how they happened to become part of it.  So the sacrifice does not establish the covenant.  The covenant is established by an oath of fidelity that God makes to Himself.

Two important conclusions can be drawn.  First, God’s covenant with Israel is as permanent as a father’s genealogical connection to his son.  There is no possibility of a replacement.  Even if someone else is adopted as a son, the blood relation to the progeny of the father cannot be erased.

Second, the sacrifice isn’t about this covenant.  God does not establish our relationship to Him with sacrifice.  The relationship is established with the oath of covenant.  Sacrifice treats another matter.  Understanding the Semitic background of covenant makes it even stronger for us.  It also helps us look more closely at the purpose of sacrifice.

Today’s Word:  covenant, beriyth, blood, dam, Exodus 24:8

[1] Quell, TDNT, Vol. II, p. 115.

[2] Quell, TDNT, Vol. II, p. 115.

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“If the covenant of blood is about establishing a familial relationship with YHWH, then the sacrifice of Yeshua must be about something else.”

Hi Skip,

For me Blood Brothers is a very powerful metaphor (Hombre/Last of the Mohicans/Geronimo) and it has nothing to do with sacrifice.

Because if you are one with your family/community/God you do not sacrifice for them, because what you do for them is really for your self.

carl roberts

The blood covenant is universal. It is the covenant of Friendship. David and Jonathan were “blood brothers.” What is mine is yours and what is yours is mine. -Rather like the covenant of marriage..Oh!- that’s right, we are (now) the bride of Christ. So, those who have been purchased and redeemed by the precious blood of Yeshua are His by right of redemption- we have been “bought with a price.” We (now) belong to Him in an unbreakable covenant bond- sealed by the blood and breath of Elohim (himself.)
-Now I belong to Jesus, Jesus belongs to me. Not for the years of time alone, -but for eternity. And yes, just as my son can never “not” be my son, (no matter his behavior), neither do I who am betrothed to my Beloved, worry about losing my “status” as a child of the King. Praise His name- I belong to Him.
Who established the covenant between G-d and Abram? (Afterward known as Abraham, because of this covenant). Abram was given a new name (Abraham.) He was given, (as a result of this covenant- which involved a cutting and yes, a blood sacrifice), a new name. “What is yours is no mine, and what is mine is now yours. “With this ring, I now thee wed!” – a blood-covenant relationship. I now pronounce you “husband and wife”, – We (now) are the Bride of Christ. Whew! Should we do some cartwheels or just reservedly mutter a quiet “amen?”
“This is the new covenant (testament) in my blood.” If we only could (or would) lay hold of the depth of this- it would radically transform our way of life. Looking for change? Study the blood covenant. It is universal and it is ancient. It is foundational to our faith- “both” Jew and Gentile.
The blood of the cross. The passion of the Christ. What wondrous love is this? We have been reconciled to G-d by the propititating, atoning, redemptive blood of the Lamb, our ADONAI, Yeshua- Our Redeemer and (covenant) Friend. The next time we sing “What a Friend We Have in Jesus,” think of the covenant of Friendship. We, my friends, are (now, today) in a familial blood covenant relationship with the living G-d. I’m so glad I’m a part of the family of G-d. I’ve been washed in the Fountain- cleansed by His blood.. Joint-heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod- Oh! I part of His family- the family of G-d.
There is a fountain, filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel’s veins.. and sinners plunged beneath this flood- loose all their guilty stains! “-When I see the blood..- I will passover you.”
Rock of Ages, -“cut” for me, -let me hide myself in Thee. Let the water and the blood, from Thy riven side which flowed- be of sin the double-cure, save from wrath and make me pure. -Amein.

Gayle Johnson

When the book, GUARDIAN ANGEL arrived, I set aside the other one I was reading, in order to ‘dive right in’ to Skip’s newest teaching. Hard to put it down now . . .

However, what I set aside was entitled, LOST IN TRANSLATION, VOLUME 2, by Klein & Spears. I cannot locate it now, or I would quote from it. There was a concept offered that is new to me. It was explained (far more clearly than I can convey from memory) that the death of the Groom was necessary for the Bride to become a widow. The marriage occurred at Sinai, and later throughout the generations, there was unfaithfulness on the part of the Bride. There cannot be a marriage feast in the future to a Bride who is still married. Only if the Bride has become a widow, does the new marriage meet the standards set by the Creator in the Marriage Covenant.

Is anyone else familiar with this teaching?

Robin Jeep

Hi Skip,

Thank you for addressing this.
By the way, Gardian Angel is excellent! Extremely well written. It was a most disturbing read though. Having had a twin brother (at 18 he was murdered) I had many experiences of being the thwarted ezer. Throughout my life, not being acknowledged as the ezer, a purpose I was always intuitively aware of, has resulted in my living alone with little involvment with men. The book stirred up some unresolved anger I am being forced to address. I wonder if anyone else has experienced this. Perhaps, a Gardian Angel blog would be a good way to discuss the book.
Would you like for me to give a 5 star amazon review for your book?

Gayle Johnson

I guess it’s confession time. I have been VERY angry for several days. The kind of anger that produces physical symptoms. I have asked God to show me why, but nothing happened. Then yesterday, it occured to me that I would be in worship in a couple of days. Uh-oh, I knew I could not worship with an angry heart. So, I resolved to do ‘something’ about it as soon as I could. In a few minutes, my phone rang, and a friend asked, “Well, are you still mad?” (I did not know it showed.) So I told him I was planning to correct the bad attitude as soon as possible. A short time later, as we were driving along, I apologized to my husband (who was the target of my anger) for being so angry. Oddly, that was all it took, and the weight of it ‘lifted up.’

If I wanted to act like Adam, I guess I could blame this whole incident on Skip, for writing Guardian Angel! “This book you gave me, it made me furious!”

Robin, I am sorry about the loss of your brother. I have had many ‘twin friends’ and was always envious, because they seemed like such a gift to one another. You are definitely not the only one with unresolved anger. However, I see the book as a light to help us see the way to work through it, rather than being stuck in it. I think I needed the nudge to get moving. I will admit it is challenging, but I love this book.

Robin Jeep

Hi Gayle,

I am familiar with that teaching. I’m looking forward to seeing where Skip is going with his current teaching.


Your transparency is so refreshing! It is POSITIVELY encouraging to me to know there are others who YHWH brings low so He can pick them up. Do not fear what He is doing in you. Willingly accept this gift. I am praying for you.

PS Isn’t it awesome that we can look forward while looking back!


Hi ladies,

The only reference I’ve ever read to the death of the husband is in Romans. It’s always made sense to me that the woman couldn’t remarry until the death of her husband (Ro.) and that Yeshua had to die to break the old covenant (He.9), but the connections were made very clear this morning.

Robin you are in the same boat with thousands of women in the Church and the world. Now that God has opened you understanding seek to be set completely free from that bitterness. The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil has made us ALL retarded.

We think we know so much until we actually begin to understand that we really don’t know anything at all and neither does anyone else. The hard part is forgiving the anyone elses for ignorantly abusing us. Lets see, how does that go? “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools etc…..” “They shall put you out of the synagogues: yes the time will come, that whosoever kills you will think that he does God service.” The church has perpetuated this more than anyone.

This is exactly the reason Yeshua, and the saints after Him, could pray with their dying breath “Father forgive them, they know not what they do” Lets seek to fulfill our priestly calling to do men good regardless of our circumstances knowing that our bridegroom has walked that path before us and paved our way.

Magnificent work Skip bless you!
We will be ordering more books.

Shabbat Shalom to all

Benny de Brugal

Dear Skip, pls. keep elevorating on this theme ’cause now I’am really confuse. My mind gets some of it but I don’t understand how to put it together with the sacrifice of the lamb for the sin of each people once a year. Thank you.

carl roberts

Why is adultery such a big dot deal? Why is adultery a sin? Because of the blood covenant. Fornication (sex outside of the covenant bonds of marriage) also- because of the blood covenant. Why is our salvation secure? Because of the blood covenant. Why are we going through the process of sanctifiication? Because of the blood covenant. What is the “new way” or “new path” we are to walk? It is not a new way or new path at all, rather a very ancient one- the way of blood covenant “friendship.”
Remember a young lad by the name of Mephibosheth? (I sure you do!- lol!). Why did King David wish to show this young man “lovingkindness?’ (a wonderful blood covenant word). Because of the blood covenant David had made with Jonathan. David and Jonathan were friends, but in the deepest sense of the word- they were “blood brothers.” “What’s mine is yours and what is yours is mine.” All of it. Help yourself to anything. Come in my house -it is your house. Not “my” car- “yours.” Here are the keys. Drive it- it belongs to you also. –

Now I’ve giv’n to Jesus everything,
Now I gladly own Him as my King,
Now my raptured soul can only sing
Of Calvary!

Have you surrendered everything you know of you to everything you know of Him? All or none.. you cannot dabble in this- it will not work. Yeshua wants the “all” of us. Body, soul, mind and breath- “all.”
Are you married? Would you like to have “all” of your spouse’s love and attention? Are you a jealous lover? – G-d is. Very. Why?- Because of the blood covenant.
Am I bothered by this? – Tremendously. “I would not have you ignorant, brethren”- lol!- We (who belong to Him- purchased by His blood) are in a blood covenant relationship with the Living G-d. (Somehow-someway, please let this soak in.) Until it does.. confusion and condemnation will reign. But when the reality (how “real” is your blood?) of this finally hits home.. it’s “Katy bar the door.” – “skyrockets in flight”- etc. This is the stuff “wow” is made from.
Who initiated this covenant? That’s right. G-d did. He started it. And dear brothers- He always finishes what He starts. – One moment.. I feel a Hallelujah happening! lol! -Blessed be His name!
Two books to read for further study. “The Blood Covenant” by H.Clay Trumbull, and “Friendship” The Master Passion” by the same author. What you have heard is true..- it’s not what you know-but Who you know- absolutely, Amein.

Susan Earnest

This (TW, the comments) makes everything else make sense. The struggle is over and I can walk with assurance on the remainder of the journey. Wow!

carl roberts

Amen Susan!.. you have just “entered into” the Sabbath-Rest of Yeshua–His finished work on Calvary. Elohim always accomplishes what He sets out to do- He will conform us to the image of the Son. Day-by-day, moment-by-moment, YHWH is at work in us and on us. We (all) are a work in progress. Yes, as “blind” Fanny Crosby wrote: “Blessed assurance- Jesus is mine- Oh what a foretaste of glory divine. Heir of salvation, purchase of G-d, born of His Spirit, washed in His blood. This is my story- this is my song! Praising my Savior,- all the day long.”