Head Trips Reminder

But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ.  1 Corinthians 11:3  NASB

Head – Gilbert Bilezikian settled this issue.  In his book, Beyond Sex Roles, he makes the compelling argument from both Scripture and extra-biblical sources that the Greek word kephale is never used in the sense of designated authority.  It is always understood as source, the origin of something as in the “head” of a river.  Bilezikian’s research conclusively sets aside any claim that men have a divinely appointed authority role over women.  Whomever teaches such is out of alignment with Scripture (and I don’t really care what status such a person holds).  But Paul’s statement alone should have tipped us off to the misinterpretation that men are ordained to rule over women because if that’s what Paul intended, his analogy is patently false.

Let’s suppose that Paul really was misogynistic and he really did mean that men stand in authority over women.  Then on this account, it would also be proper to argue that Christ stands in authority over men (no problem there) and that God stands in authority over Christ!  What?  Didn’t Yeshua say, “All authority is given to me”?  So, who’s mistaken:  Yeshua or Paul?  Are we prepared, on the basis of treating kephale as “authority,” to claim that Yeshua’s statement isn’t really totally true?  Did God the Father retain control over the Son just in case things didn’t work out so well?  Did God the Father only say that Yeshua was given all authority, but in fact, He still holds it?  I don’t think so.

Now read the passage using kephale as “source.”  “The Messiah is the source of every man (the new man in the Messiah?) and the man is the source of the woman (as Genesis 2 teaches us) and God is the source of the Messiah (since God sent him into the world).”  Now the verse makes perfect sense and confirms teaching in the Tanakh and the writings of the apostles.  Men are not the head – authority – of women.  Men and women exist in mutual submission in the Kingdom; the same relationship in the Garden before the Fall.

The history of the declaration of male headship and authority originates in Catholic theology and is propagated by the male hierarchy of Christendom.  Katherine Bushnell made this clear in her work more than one hundred years ago.  Her insight that there is to be no distinction between male and female in the Kingdom is also telling.[1]  In my humble opinion, the doctrine that men hold divinely-appointed authority in the Church is one of the greatest heresies ever concocted.  It needs to go.

What does this mean for the practical problems of male-female relationship?  Doesn’t someone have to decide?  The answer is, “Yes, someone has to decide.”  And that “someone” is the unity of two made one.  There is no “you and me” in the relationship that God intended in Genesis 2:24.  There is only basar ehad – one flesh.  If it isn’t “we,” it isn’t.

Topical Index:  kephale, source, authority, 1 Corinthians 11:3, Genesis 2:24

[1] All of this is detailed in my book, Guardian Angel.

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Amanda Youngblood

I HIGHLY recommend reading Guardian Angel. It’s amazing!

Donna R.

I second that:)


not only READING Guardian Angel – sharing – teaching – and LIVING it …. what an awesome understanding of what the true definitions are of Man and WoMan

Peter Squicciarini

Not arguing with your conclusion, but your debunking of a “misogynistic
Paul” was heavily based upon the idea that God does not have authority over Christ- doesn’t Paul say the very opposite four chapters later in 1 Cor 15?

“…For ‘God has put all things in subjection under his feet.’ But when it says ‘all things are put in subjection,’ it is plain that he is excepted who put all things in subjection under him. When all things are subjected to him, then the Son himself will also be subjected to him who put all things in subjection under him, that God may be all in all.” (vv 27-28)

Again- not arguing with your conclusion, just with how you got to that initial point.

Peter Squicciarini

Paul says right there that all things EXCEPT him who actually did the “putting”, that is, God.

Rein de Wit

Johann A. Bengel,in his GNOMON on the New Testament, has this comment on 1 Cor 15:27:

“The Son shall be made subordinate to the Father in such a way as He had not formerly been; for in the mediatorial kingdom, the brightness of the Son had been in a manner separated from the Father; but subsequently the Son shall be made quite subordinate to the Father; and that subordination of the Son will be entirely voluntary, an event desired by the Son Himself and glorious to Him; for He will not be subordinate as a servant, Heb_1:14; comp. the foregoing verses; but as a Son. [So also in human affairs there is not only the subordination of subjects, but also of sons, Luk_2:51; Heb_12:9.—V. g.]—ὑποταγήσεται [upotagēsetai] is therefore in the middle, not in the passive voice”

I see from this:
1) That the subjection is in the future. [what implications does this have for the present?]
2) It is voluntary [Luk 2:51 shows that Yeshua submitted Himself to His parents and in Heb 12:9 we submit voluntary to the Father]

I am therefore not convinced that his text can be used as prove for hierarchical authority.

carl roberts

>>If God put ALL things under the feet of the Messiah, then how is God the authority of the Messiah?<<

Jesus was born a man and lived among us, as a man. A Human. The Word was made flesh. The Creator humbled Himself as lived as a man would live, doing all the things a man would do, except this Man, the man Christ Jesus- never ever (in thought or deed) sinned. He lived a totally sin-free life. We may truly say He was Torah-obedient, down to the very last "jot and tittle" and He was faithful to the end.

He showed (revealed) to every one of us- it can be done. Man can live a fully obedient life. If he (or she) keeps all the words of God, perfectly- just as He did.

May we pause here and ask the question? Who among all the faithful readers of Today's Word may say along with the Savior, ~ which of you convinces me of sin? ~

Remember..- what is sin? Sin is the transgression (in any way, shape, form or fashion) of the Law.

Can any of us "righteous ones" say it and know it- ~ which of you convinces me of sin? – Don't be looking at me! For (just the facts m'am)- I know I have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
How many of God's commandments have I broken? Herein lies the rub – all it takes is one!

Who may say, "I've only sinned one time in my entire life?" (Why don't we start with "thou shalt not bear false witness!")

What is the primary purpose of the Law? It firmly establishes (so that we are now "without excuse"- )our guilt before God. The purpose of the Law is show us (to reveal unto us) our desperate need for a Savior.

Starting with the ten words or commandments, – who among us has always "loved the LORD your God with ALL your heart-soul-mind and strength?" Friend,- not me. No and no and no again.

I am (assuredly) a sinner. And God is holy and is of purer eyes than to look upon iniquity. So what we (all) need is a covering. An atoning Sacrifice for sin. Yes, the cross was necessary! The cross of the Chosen One was not plan B!

~ For He has made Him who knew no sin.. (now who would this be?)

To be (or become) sin for us.. ~ He took our place! (He took my place!)

in order that we might become the righteousness of God *in Him!*

How does this happen? ~ by the washing of the regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Spirit. – It is His work in us!

We are "saved" three ways. First, from the penalty of sin. The penalty (or consequence or wage) of sin?- Death. Eternal Separation. Second, we are saved progressively from the power (or dominion or authority) of sin. ~ Sin shall no longer have dominion/authority over you~ We are (now) more than conquerors through Him that loved us!- (and loves us still today!) When did He stop loving us? Ever? No, – not ever! Third, we will be saved (ultimately- and may it be soon!) from the very presence of sin! Yes, Heaven is a sin-free abode. – I can't even imagine!
But.. – are we saved to sit, soak and sour? No! We are saved to serve! – ~ to serve one another in love! ~ He went about "doing good!"- so should we! I don't know why #3 gets left off the list- but it's by grace-through faith and unto good works! (Are we that "scared" of good works?- loll) I hope not. – There is a needy world out there that need a lot of love!
Christ, the Second Adam did what the first Adam failed to do!- He not only "remembered," but spoke the words of God, but with one advantage over Adam. Adam #1 only had his memory. Jesus, meanwhile had (by then) a written copy of the Tanakh and replied to the Tempter three times, these same repeated words: "it is written!"


Same as in marriage, we need to stop the need to separate the two and make one the boss! So greek! How many gods do we worship? Let´s go back to the ejad, please, the unity. In our deity and our marriages. One God.


Is this deja vu?

While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them,
Saying, What think ye of Christ? whose son is he? They say unto him, The Son of David.

He said to them, How then does David in spirit call him Lord, saying,
The LORD said unto my Lord, You sit on my right hand, till I make your enemies your footstool?

If David then call him Lord, how is he his son?

And no man was able to answer him a word, neither durst any man from that day forth ask him any more questions.
Matthew 22:41-46

Daniel Kraemer

As this thread was just recently referred to, I decided to add a new thought.

To be technically correct, this verse only says God is the head/source of (the) Christ (not Christ Jesus).

As Skip has pointed out the Christ (only) means, one rubbed (with oil). The equivalent Hebrew word, Mashiyach, (Strong’s H4899), is found 39 times in the OT. Only twice it is translated in the KJ as Messiah while the other 37 times it is properly translated as “anointed”. In these cases the anointed ones refer to priests, kings and God’s Chosen People as a group. So, it is possible, that the purpose of this verse is not to state that God is the head/source of Jesus but the head/source of the Anointed, the Chosen of God, His People.

For example, we already realize this with Paul’s use of the expression, “the body of Christ”.

I am in the middle of studying this word. Paul uses it over 400 times. About half the time he writes either, Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus, or, our Lord Jesus Christ. But in the other half he uses only the word Christ, or, the Christ. I am finding that many of these times we should understand the phrase as, the anointed people, and not as the person of Jesus. For example . . .

Acts 8:4-5 is really saying, Phillip went to Samaria to preach the good news to the anointed. (instead of, the good news – the (Jesus) Christ.)

1Ti 5:11 But the younger widows refuse: for when they have begun to wax wanton against Christ, they will marry;

Is Paul suggesting that these young single women might grow to behave lustfully towards Jesus? No. Paul is saying that young widows might eventually have a sexual desire towards a man in the anointed.

Col 1:24 I now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and do fill up the things lacking of the tribulations of the Christ in my flesh for his body, which is the assembly,

Was the suffering of Jesus incomplete? No. Paul is saying that he rejoices in suffering on behalf of the anointed and he would substitute himself for them.

Heb 11:26 deeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt, for he looked away to the reward.”

Would Moses deem insulting language or physical abuse from Jesus be greater than Egypt’s gold? The question makes no sense. What it means is that Moses left Egypt’s treasures to join his anointed people who were being reproached by the Egyptians.

Rom 9:3 for I myself wished to be anathema from Christ – for my brethren, my relatives according to the flesh,
Did Paul really wish to be cursed by Yeshua? I think not, but he might from the anointed, for the sake of his brethren according to the flesh.

And I believe there are many more examples.


As Skip is so good at reminding us, knowing what was said is only part of the equation, understanding the context of what was said, within the culture of the day, is imperative to understanding the intent the person writing it. In this case, Paul.

At this point the church is more then Hebraic believers, pagans have been converted and are now filling the gatherings, and they are bringing with them the culture from which they have live their lives.

That culture believe, specifically, that women were created from inferior sources then men, and were, therefore, inferior. This opened the door to general mistreatment of women as well as sexual practices that are not condoned in Scripture. Women were used sexually to procreate, but sexual pleasure were to be found outside the home, and society, at large, supported this concept.

When Paul delineates the chain of creation, he is pointing to that YHVH created Messiah who created man (pure, holy) from which woman was created, thus woman, by default was also pure and holy, worthy of honor, respect and sexual pleasure was to be confined to the marriage bed.

This is an EXTREMELY condensed explanation, but without this understanding the whole conversation around what the word ‘source’ or ‘kephale’ means and why it would be important, becomes an endless circle.

Please see God’s Word to Women, Katherine Bushnell, In the Spirit We Are Equal by Susan Hyatt or Paul, Women and Church by Eddie Hyatt in addition to Skip’s book Guardian Angel for further clarification


There is a church that has a well known, international ministry that teaches that ungodly order is the root of learning and attention problems in children (dyslexia, ADD and such) the root of the ungodly order, they teach, is in women, as in matriarchal witchcraft. Women are controlling, manipulative and constantly trying to usurp the man’s place in the home.

A lot of time has been invested in this teaching and a lot of money is being made on it.

And a lot of (female) lives are being destroyed over it.



That kind of teaching is really disturbing to read about. Yet in my experience from 20 years ago there were more women in attendance at services and more women volunteered because men didn’t like to go to church so there was also a theory that men were abdicating their roles in church and in their own families. Either way causes an unhealthy focus. I can easily imagine the unhealthy/unhappy and plain wrong situations that can develop from this teaching. It’s very disturbing!!! May HaShem rescue these people that are being damaged by this ungodly teaching.


She who stands becomes the target. And so i did. Both.

Rein de Wit

For those interested, here is a very insightful link to an article from Gilbert Bilezikian: http://www.cbeinternational.org/?q=content/i-believe-male-headship

LaVaye Billings

I guess I have spent my long life (80 years) off & on studying this extremely important subject. CBE has it down in simple statements on their believes. Thanks Rein de Wit for the web site.
I have appreciated the DD of Skip’s throughout all my approx. ten years with him, almost from the beginning, he has written on “Equality for both men and women”. A reinforcement for me in what I had studied for years but not in such a scholarly way.

“bp” your comments on a certain ministry doing even today the opposite, and in such a horrible way, and then you stating ” a lot of female lives are being destroyed over it.” That breaks my heart. a large well known ministry’–oh my, I hope we all will pray that all the eyes of those in that situation everywhere will be open. bp, if possible send me on my personal e the Church’s name. I want to intercede for them by name, and be able to counter the teaching to anyone involved, or be on the outskirts of it. melshad@cebridge.net Thanks for enlightening us that there are still large groups doing this. I thought probably just a few small groups in the “mountains”, and in third world and Islamic groups, had no idea it was blatant in U.S. sincerely, LaVaye Billings


The advice goes, “it doesn´t have to make sense, you just have to obey.” “God sent your husband/father to protect you, just wait until the Holy Ghost does His work and I promise you, he will, be patient. Submit so you don´t sin also, the abuse will stop when God wills it.” Oh, and my favorite: “Ishmaels mother, the slave, had to tolerate Sara´s abuse, sometimes we just have to put up with terrible things to remain inside God´s will. Don´t divorce. Just stay and wait.” Add that a cultural approval to the martyrdom of women and little to no support for abused women and their children, and leaving such environment is short of a miracle.

That advice I personally received from church “counselors.” When a home situation deteriorates that much and the main and sometimes only support system is the church community, it´s hard to loose that too, specially when the woman is usually so emotionally depleted.

Symptoms of these women are easy to see: look for the women who are in every church committee, seem to spend most of their time at church activities and their own work/office (if they work outside the home) and do whatever it takes to stay away from their homes. The church has become their escape. If their lives are falling apart, imagine the difficulty of telling off their only, albeit enabling, support structure.


It’s not living. It’s existing. I couldn’t do it.

Robin jeep

Thanks, Skip!


Reading “Guardian Angel” was one of the best things I ever did. Highly recommended. Thank you, Skip, for your insight into this subject.

LaVaye Billings

About seven years ago, my husband & I were helping a military family near us, he had been extremely perverted in the marriage with three small little girls. We helped regularly take care of the little girls, and with whatever else that needed help. After a total of five years of us going the 100th mile to help them, and him always falling back into very sinful ways, we offered to the young mother to help her get out of the marriage. It was very heavy “stuff for us, and we needed more professional help as he saw we meant business about helping her get away from him. One of the things I did was call a retired military man that I had been in Herb Club with and his wife, for some much needed knowledge. He had retired as a full Col, and a Chaplain. They invited me to come to their home and office, and we spent two plus hours, one of the stories he told me was that he had started out in the Military as a Policeman in SF Bay area, and that regularly he picked up these guys who had beaten their wives to almost death, called the ambulance, took the wive to hospital, got someplace to take the children, and when the wife had recovered, offer her all the help available to get a divorce, and out of the marriage. He stated not one ever would do it the several years he was doing that work.—I found that extremely shocking. —- But Praise the Lord, our gal got out of the marriage, with Ed & I, the Col. & his wife, and the church they attended helped too with prayers. I wish I could say ALL WENT WELL, BUT HE CONTINUES TO HARASS HER HEAVILY, EVEN ONCE TRIED TO RAPE HER, AFTER HE APPARENTLY CAUSED HER VEHCILE TO HAVE A FLAT TIRE, AND WAS TO MEET HER IN A SHOPPING CENTER TO GET THE GIRLS FOR HIS TURN TO HAVE THEM. Offered her a ride to take her to get the tire fixed. She was 50 miles away from her family, had no money, no credit card, and not option to get the flat fixed and return home. OF COURSE SHE FILED CHARGES- He lied his way out of it- HE IS STILL IN THE MILITARY EVEN AFTER A TRIAL, AND HAS had THREE OTHER WOMEN LIVING WITH HIM (AT DIFFERENT TIMES) AND THE GIRLS ARE REQIRED TO GO THERE EVERY OTHER WEEK-END. BUT OUR GAL COMPLETED HER TRAINING TO GET IN, & MADE IT on to RN SCHOOL. —-So much involved. So many people are required to help them out of these bad situations when children are involved. Then what about the damage done to the children? — Oh Lord, have mercy on women, children, — LaVaye Billings


Mat 21:42 – “Have you never read in the Scriptures:`The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone.”

The word “Chief” is “Kephale” in the Greek. This takes us back to the Hebrew word “Rosh” which is found in the Psalm 118:22 quote here.

Rosh is used in verses like this:

1Ch 11:6 – Now David said, “Whoever attacks the Jebusites first shall be chief and captain.” And Joab the son of Zeruiah went up first, and became chief.

Num 14:4 – Numbers 14:4 So they said to one another, “Let us select a leader and return to Egypt.”

Additionally “Kephale” is used in the Septuagint in verses like this:

Deuteronomy 28:44 “He shall lend to you, but you shall not lend to him; he shall be the head, and you shall be the tail.

Isaiah 7:9 The head of Ephraim is Samaria, And the head of Samaria is Remaliah’s son. If you will not believe, Surely you shall not be established.”‘”

Remaliah’s son was Pekah, the King of Israel.

Therefore to suggest that “kephale” does not speak of authority is greatly mistaken.

Every successful endeavor HAS to have leadership. Businesses, organizations, sports teams, armies, EVERYTHING that operates with success ultimately someone who is in authority to make the final decisions. Why then do we think that families are most successful when there is no one in the position of authority?

I’m not suggesting that a husband should “lord it over” but to say that headship has nothing to do with authority is simply wrong.


Skip, you are such a blessing to us women folks here. We appreciate you for reinforcing this truth often.

I have fought against this in my spirit for as long as I can remember, even as a child! ABBA somehow directed my ‘sight’ in that area, and having no understanding on why I feel that way, I have struggled on ‘seeing’ the injustice and bias treatment of women in society, relationships and at large, especially in marriages where women are victimized.

There are many out there who are so very ignorant of this Scriptural truth, even in Torah fellowships due to misquoting/misinterpreting Sha’ul’s teachings/letters.

This is restoration! Thank you, Skip! ABBA with you and Rosanne in your travels! Amein! Shalom!


I think it goes back to “let us make man in our image”. Perhaps the point has already been made, but since woman came out man, in the same figure as Yeshua came out of the Father, then they DON’T both reign separately in some fashion or another. The two reign as ECHAD, do they/He not!


Thank, Skip, for your your teaching on this subject. I am so weary of addressing this with both men and women. Teaching feminine submission and the God-given authority of men renders women weak and ineffective. My pastor, whose own daughter has been rescued from an abusive marriage, still insists on teaching this paradigm. I have tried dialoguing with him, but he shuts me off by dominating me with his voice. It’s as though he is afraid that if he listens to me, he will be led astray.


Then where does that leave Genesis where, as part of the curse, God says Adam is to “rule over” Eve? Did it change somewhere (in Scripture not tradition)?

Suzanne Fortune

Bravo, couldn’t have said it better.