Apocalyptic Context

But we thy people, whom thou hast called thy first-born, only begotten, zealous for thee, and most dear, have been given into their hands.. 4 Esdras 6:58 Revised Standard Version

First-born, only begotten – 4 Esdras (sometimes called 2 Esdras or Latin Esdras) is apocalyptic literature written perhaps as early as 70 CE or as late as the Second Century CE. It is recognized as canonical by some branches of Christianity. What is important for our review is what this book tells us about the Jewish concept of Israel in the First and Second Centuries during or immediately following the apostolic writings. In particular, Israel itself is recognized as God’s first-born and only begotten. In other words, the same ideas that surround the person of the Messiah are assigned to the people of Israel as a whole. What we as followers of Yeshua HaMashiach might have thought was a unique designation of the Messiah seems to have also been attributed to the entire community of Israel. Of course, if 4 Esdras is late, then this helps us understand that the Jewish world may have been reacting to claims of a personal Messiah by presenting a corporate Messiah. But this doesn’t mean the author of 4 Esdras simply concocted the idea.

The Tanakh sets the precedent for this corporate view with many verses that designate Israel as a whole as God’s “son” (singular) and “chosen one” and “first-born.” While we could force these verses to support personal Messianic meanings, it seems more likely in context that YHVH is describing Israel. How are we to understand this? Perhaps the explanation works both ways. Perhaps there is a sense in which Israel as a whole is God’s first-born, His only begotten. After all, YHVH chose Israel from among all the nations as His representative on earth and He did, in fact, birth Israel from Abraham through a very long and carefully orchestrated process. On the other side, there are certainly references to Yeshua as the true representative of what YHVH had in mind for Israel. In fact, Yeshua is in this sense a representative of the whole of God’s people, both in his life on earth and in his initiation of the Kingdom as the first fruit of those who will come after him. So in a sense, both the apostolic writers and the author of 4 Esdras are correct. Israel is the Messiah, the Messiah is Israel and both are found in Yeshua.

What’s important about the language of 4 Esdras is the reminder that sometime before the end of the Second Century debate about the person of the Messiah was already in play in the believing community. I do not mean that there was a schism between Jew and Christian. I mean that within the larger Jewish community, made up of those who believed Yeshua was the Messiah and those who remained unconvinced, the meaning of “Messiah” was already debated. The Gentile “Christian” church, formed after 135 CE, was not a part of this debate. This was an in-house discussion. The Christian Church merely stoked the fire later in order to distinguish itself from these Jewish concepts. 4 Esdras teaches us that we need to examine the Jewish world of the First and Second Centuries if we want to understand the role of the Messiah in our canon.

Topical Index: 4 Esdras 6:58, Messiah, only-begotten, first born, Israel

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YES, Skip! True words, that line.

“4 Esdras teaches us that we need to examine the Jewish world of the First and Second Centuries if we want to understand the role of the Messiah in our canon.”

I was way past stunned when, long ago, i began looking for references to a messiah in the Tanakh and found none! So, yes, the Judaism of Yeshua’s time MUST be explored through the Judaism of the first and second centuries CE.

Thank you for this article, Skip. Hoping there’s discussion about this.

John Walsh

Hi Skip,
The name or title – Israel means a lot of different things to a lot of different people.
I am often left wondering what you (and lots of other writers too!) are referring to when you use the name: ISRAEL. Is it Jacob? Is it the 12 tribes? Is it the House of Israel? Is it the House of Judah? Is it the Jews living in the LAND at time of Messiah? Is it the Zionists who currently rule the LAND and call themselves – the State of ISRAEL? Is it now the “church?

It seems that many in the Messianic community, as well as readers of TW are greatly confused by the loose use of this name. As recent as yesterday, a reader on TW was asking a question about this issue.

I know that you are familiar with this history but in interest of stimulating the readership of TW to study understand this fascinating history, (and I happen to have a little time today :-)) I will run through a very brief outline of the historical usage of the name This is NOT difficult or confusing stuff, friends. But please beware, it seems to me that there are parties out there who have an agenda to continue obfuscating things for their self interests.

The patriarch Jacob was given the name “Israel” by YHVH. Then naturally the 12 sons of Jacob and their descendants became known as the 12 tribes of Israel kept the name. After the death of Solomon, as had been prophesied to Solomon, their was a very well documented and trajic split in the family (see 1Kings 12). Rehoboam remained king over two tribes: Judah and Benjamin. Several places in the Tanakh, this grouping of Judah and Benjamin is labelled: the House of Judah. I see nowhere where they are called “Israel”. Jeroboam took the northern 10 tribes, became leader over them and they became very well known as the House of Israel. War between the two Houses is recorded in 1 Kings 15.
This was an awful time for the tribes and it just goes to show what happens when sin rules the roost!. Sad to say, despite many warnings from God’s prophets, the northern 10 tribes were taken into captivity by the Assyrians and removed from the land around 721 BC. (That was God’s doing) They became known as the “Lost 10 tribes” as they were supposedly lost in history. Fact is they may have been a little hidden at times but they were not lost at all. We find the apostle James addressing a letter to them in his New Testament epistle. Over time, most of them migrated north east into western Europe where they permanently settled. I will mention a few of the tribes that are easily identified in history. The tribe of Dan settled in Ireland and Denmark. Reuben is identified with France and Zebulon is identified with the Netherlands. The most exciting identification is the ID of Joseph with Great Britain. Then Joseph’s two sons Ephraim and Menassah were split apart in 1776 to become the USA and Great Britain. Remember that Joseph got the “fruitfulness” blessing in Genesis 49. No nation has come close to the blessings that Great Britain and its commonWEALTH and the USA (the English speaking peoples) has brought to the world – because they themselves have been blessed by God beyond compare. In fact they are the fulfillment of God’s great covenantal promises to Abraham for his faithfulness. When God pours it on He pours it on! Today, some say that the blessings are coming to an end and that Ephraim / Manasseh are approaching a time of judgment from God for our sins and unfaithfulness. I confess that I do not know for sure but it is a sobering thought.
Ultimately, it is good news as the prophets show that both the House of Judah and the House of Israel – known to Messianics as the two houses will be reunited either before or after Messiah returns. And Paul tells us emphatically that both Houses will be saved (see Romans 9-11) Though He tests us severely at times – God’s stories always have a wonderful ending! That’s our God!

The story of the House of Judah is way more complex, so we have many differing opinions. ( Skip and I disagree on some issues of the House of Judah to be sure! In 604 BC Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem and the House of Judah entered a 70 year captivity in Babylon. In 534 BC Cyrus the Persian returned to rule Babylon and issues the Edict of Cyrus (inspired by God – see Ezra 1) and the House of Judah was allowed to return to the LAND and rebuild Jerusalem and God’s Temple. I will quote from Ezra 1 as Ezra makes my point for me:
“Then arose up the heads of the fathers houses of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests and the Levites, every one whose spirit God has stirred to go up to rebuild the house of the Lord which is in Jerusalem.” (Ezra 1:5)
So here we find Judah, Benjamin and Levites back in the Land in 534 BC. Best I can tell, this was the tribal makeup of the LAND when Messiah came on the scene about 470 years later. After He picked His 12 disciples He sent them out, charging them:
“Go nowhere among the Gentiles and enter no town of the Samaritans , but go rather to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.” (Matt. 10: 5)
History shows that is what they did.
Shortly before Messiah died, I see that He made a few judgments on the House of Judah that I find staggering. They are found in the stinging pronouncements he made in Matthew chapter 21. After cleaning out the Temple of the money changers etc., He went out of the city and lodged at Bethany. Next morning, on His way back to the City, being hungry He noticed a fig tree:
“And seeing a fig tree by the way side he went to it, and found nothing on it but leaves only. And He said to it, ‘May no fruit ever come from you again!’. And the fig tree withered at once.” (Matt 21:19)
The apostles did not understand it at the time but Jeremiah 24 and elsewhere we see the House of Judah identified as good figs and bad figs. This condemnation in Matt 21 has to be a judgment as bad figs.
The context message is Messiah was looking for the fruit of RIGHTEOUSNESS from the House of Judah and he found only leaves. He reinforced his point here in Matt 21 with a vineyard parable about the servants (prophets) and the son of the owner getting murdered when they showed up to collect the fruit. (such poignancy!) He concluded that parable by saying that the vineyard owner will rent out his vineyard to other tenants “who will give him the fruits in their season”. (verse 41)
Finally he ended his indictment by telling the chief priests and Pharisees:
“Therefore, I tell you the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a NATION producing the fruits of it.” (Matt. 21:43)
The nation that Messiah is referring to has to be “the called out ones who have kept Torah through the centuries. Let me emphasize that that includes many from the House of Judah and the House of Israel – as well as from every nation and tribe and tongue (Rev 14:6) who God calls to be a first fruit (John 6:22)
To any reader of TW who is confused and seeking Jewish blood or Ephraimite blood so that such will somehow give them an inside track in the salvation game, I say that you do not have to do so at all. God is no respecter of persons or blood lines when it comes to your salvation. I hope I showed today that what God is looking from everyone is a response to His calling (I am convinced many are not responding), start obeying Torah, be Kingdom focused and produce the fruits of righteousness that God is actually looking for from all His children. And you can trust His Word that He will eventually produce that fruit in everyone. As Sovereign of all, He gets what HE wants every time, right?
Some of you may wonder about the State of Israel. Where do they stand we stand or more importantly where should we stand in our support of the State. It is a tricky question that I have been pondering over the last several months. At this point, I would not be numbered among those in the Messianic community who support the State of Israel or the IDF. But I maintain my love and affection for the rabbinical community and the contribution they make to our understanding of the Hebrew language, Jewish culture and of course the Tanakh. By the way, there are plenty of Rabbis who also have little appetite for the State of Israel. Again, the State is Israel is mostly a very secular state that has little time and place for Torah. From God’s viewpoint, as I see things, the State of Israel is NOT producing the righteousness that the Father wants from them. Hence, they never will have the peace and security that they crave.
A final thought that may interest some. It is an amazing piece of prophetic fulfillment that caused me to say wow when it was pointed out to me. If we count 2520 years precisely from when Judah returned to Jerusalem in 534 BC we find British Field Marshall Edmund Allenby took Jerusalem from the Ottoman Turks in 1917. The thought is this represented a return of the LAND by God to the House of Israel (Joseph) only to have it taken by force by the House of Judah with the establishment of the State of Israel in 1947. You can make up your own mind as you ponder that. And of course not too many in British politics or in the British army know much about their wonderful House of Israel heritage. But I am told that the British Royal Family are aware of their documented blood line all the way back to King David
If nothing else please understand that the name Israel means a lot of things!


I think we need to exercise extreme caution in drawing conclusions from bloodlines – be they Jewish or Gentile – which cannot be substantiated beyond question. There is a fine line, sometimes, between genetic election and replacement theology. “Who is Israel” can be as hard to pin down as “who are the poor”. Much depends on context, which we are still striving to understand.