The Art of Dying


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Bruce Jones

Skip, do you realize how prophetic this picture is? Although you are gifted with words, as an artist I’m sure that you are aware that pictures are often much more powerful in communicating truth than words are. In your previous picture of the disfigured beggar what I saw was an image of the present-day Church as described in Rev. 3:17-18. In this picture I see the contrast between what man builds and the Creator’s handiwork. Man is so fearful of his vulnerabilities that he builds walls and structures to protect himself from whatever threatens, death being the supreme reality he is vulnerable to. Yet in His creation, YHWH, once a year, reminds us that through His Son, death is not something to fear but rather a doorway into life. As we willingly learn to follow Yeshua’s example and lay our lives down daily our lives will grow in beauty. Eyes will be turned away from the man-made power structures that are supposed to allay our fears, to a much more certain freedom from fear that is truly beautiful to behold!

Bruce Jones

Skip, is this picture available to buy?

Ellie Agee

Amazing how eloquent this picture is. How abstract human vision can be, God gave us the ability, as He presents in Psalm 48, to have vast differences in perspective from different sides.
The photo can be a admonition to live well, prepare well, Die beautifully.

Amanda Youngblood

All creation shows His glory… and His messages. 🙂 Beautiful, Skip!