Judgment Day

“Therefore say to the house of Israel, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “I do not do this for your sake, O house of Israel, but for My holy name’s sake, which you have profaned among the nations wherever you went.” Ezekiel 36:22 NKJV

Profaned – Have you read Ezekiel recently? Have you been arrested by his indictment of the people of God? Israel was supposed to live in such a way that it would be a light to the nations. Instead it slandered God’s name by the way it behaved. And God judged Israel.

Ah, you say, “Those were the old days. Ezekiel was a prophet to Israel. Now we live under the Messiah. The old ways don’t apply to us. We don’t slander God’s name.” Really? Let’s examine the word halal (to profane) and see what God calls profaning His name.

In eighty-eight occurrences, halal is used to describe uncleanness, both physical and spiritual. This is primarily with regard to violations of God’s Torah. Specifically it involves 1) not keeping the Sabbath, 2) engaging in illicit sexual relations including the abuse of helpless females, 3) exacting substantial financial punishments for minor infractions, 4) offering gifts to YHVH in the same way that gifts are offered to other gods, 5) engaging in acts that cause physical uncleanness such as touching the dead, 6) misusing God’s name by attaching His integrity to false statements, 7) stealing, 8) lying, and 9) engaging in any behavior that would cause the nations to diminish their respect for YHVH.

We can modernize these actions pretty easily. The modern list includes ignoring the Sabbath, engaging in sexually prohibited acts, abusing power, demanding usury, refusing to worship in the way God commands, ignoring ritual impurity and abdicating responsibility to uphold the name of God among non-believers.

What is the result of profaning His name? Judgment. Pure and simple. When we live like the world, think like the world, act like the world, we are the world–and the world falls under the judgment of God. When we claim to be His children but our lives are no different than the best examples of pagan morality, we slander His name. Ezekiel’s warning to Israel is just as much a warning to us. There is a lot more than rule-keeping involved in being one of His own. His very reputation rides on our behavior. What others see in you is what they know of our God.

Perhaps confession and repentance are in order today. Thanks to Ezekiel, they are certainly on my list.

Topical Index: profane, halal, Ezekiel 36:22

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Barbara Wade

Repentance is the children’s bread.

The act of speaking aloud what one has become aware of that they have fallen short in put their whole being (mind, body) on notice of at least a desire to change. Changing my mind about something is the first act to changing my beings response to that facet of my life.

When my being’s response changes it reflects in my actions.

Non believers can not go to YWHW and confess a sin and request cleansing from it or the power to walk away from it (or even cast it out, for that matter, when you believe that sin IS a being).

Only his children can.

Repentance is a gift.


I would love a study on the Final judgement. One thing I always misunderstood (bc of my “Christian” upbringing) is the Great White Throne judgement. Many Christians only have one concern: get to Heaven. If God’s wrath is being held back (as Romans says) for his love for us gives us time to repent, then HOW will his judgement fall on those who profane His name? Do they share the same fate of destruction that the wicked will face?