Over several months, I led a small group as we studied, debated and discussed the material in Daniel Gruber’s book, Copernicus and the Jews.

The entire study with all the comments is available now as 17 downloads.


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Ian Hodge

Since the “Copernican Revolution” itself has been overturned by Einstein’s theory of General Relativity, it may not be such a good idea to try to parallel an argument based on Copernicus. Unless, of course, you are expecting your own argument to be similarly overturned. 😉

Ian Hodge

I thought the question was about which paradigm(s) are correct. Copernicus was as wrong then as he is now, and was recognized to be wrong at the time. That a ‘new paradigm’ replaced the older view is simply a recognition that things changed. Unfortunately for him, Copernicus now ends up on the trash-heap of history with a wrong paradigm.

Darnell Rogers

Copernicus and the Jews is a classic!


Copernicus and the Jews is my latest most favorite book…thanks so much for recommending it Skip!:)


Can’t wait to listen to the discussions! Thanks for making this available. Our daughter in law said she really enjoyed the book and that reading it for the trip had changed her heart. We have recommended it several times to those curious about just what we are up to.


Tonya, that’s wonderful about your daughter-in-law! We’ve also recommended the book to others and so far have gotten great feedback, and consequently wonderful conversations.


Thanks Kelli!

Pam Staley

Really enjoying this series Skip – and the book really does help. Tahnks for allowing us to ‘listen’ in… I know the questions probably bring out a lot but would have loved to be able to hear more of the teaching from you 🙂 maybe a last audio with only you speaking about the book and your study of it? Just a thought…..

Michael C

Loved the book!
Thanks, Skip, for the heads up.

The audio series is a great addition. Loads of new stuff to digest and consume.
Love it.
Love to listen while driving, walking, sitting, thinking.

Great stuff!


I have just ordered the book and downloaded your study, Skip, and we look forward to learning from this experience in our small group. I am concerned, though, that when I googled the author’s name, I found nothing about him, which seems really strange. Do you know anything about Daniel Gruber and his scholarly background? Thank you!


I trust your judgment, Skip, but I just want to know about his background as a scholar: since he is a Doctor, there must be some information about what his area of expertise is. Also, I have just heard from one member of our small group and she is asking the same question. Another group member is concerned that “Gruber calls into question the legitimacy of the church and the concept of Christianity as theological constructs” and is asking whether he a Christian and “believes in Jesus as God” (I know what you may say– I have been reading Today’s Word for almost a year now!). It may help them ease into the study if they know more about the author than just his name… It may not be the right time for them to deal with the issues the author discusses but I would still like to know about him. Thanks.

Natalia Romanova

Thank you for taking the time to do it for us, Skip!