Oops! Blood Moons and Shmita

So now that it’s over, what do you think they will say?  Ah, I mean, is The Blood Moons likely to stay on the best-sellers list?  Did something significant happen in Israel (and we just didn’t hear about it)?  Or are we now going to run around looking for some significant (according to us) event to claim that the supposed prophecies were true?  Wikipedia has a good synopsis of the issue – and the subsequent embarrassment.


But it isn’t anything compared to the yet-to-be-fulfilled connection to this:


As with all of the prognosticators, all you really have to do is wait.  So far the score seems to be ZERO for the batting average.

Do I really need to point out once more that those who made the predictions are, according to the Torah, false prophets.  When do you think we will finally get over our insatiable need to know the future?  Apparently no one does, not even Yeshua.



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Ruth Lester

Thank you Skip for pulling this info together and speaking out. Finally we dare to be honest.
Ruth Lester

Derek S

I was having an internal debate if I should comment or not. So I figured “Why not” so apologize in advance if it seems long or disconnected.

I think that the ‘blood moon prophecy’ got hijacked personally. It first started off as an observation from Pastor Mark B. All he said was, “Wow, solar and lunar eclipses are an odd event, make it even statistically stranger there is 4 in a nearly 2 year period. Statistically speaking they fall on feast days – very small odds. Statistically stranger they are uninterrupted in this period not missing a feast days. Let’s see if it ever has happened before?” Then he back tracked it. They have happened, and in the past something happened to Israel in some shape or form sometime before, sometime during or near after the phenomena. He has never, and I repeat never said in any interview – this is a sign of the end of the world. He is on record saying, “God can do what ever God wants to do, he doesn’t consult me – I’m just saying in the past things happen it’s not a stretch to think that something might happen. It’s a time to repent and call for prayer for the safety of Israel”.

John H, then took it and ran with rapture stuff, end of the world stuff etc. Considering that John H doesn’t preach Torah his ‘prophecy’ is already skewed in my mind. But when people are talking about Mark B prophecy they pull in John H when he in fact stole the idea with minimal credit to Mark B and makes it sound that was the idea of Mark B when it’s not even close to what Mark B has ever said. John H is pre rappture all of that. Mark B, he never has talked about rapture and says, “When it’s your time to go it’s your time to go I wouldn’t be concerned about rapture”.

Moving to Shmita. We had a 1000 point drop – biggest single day drop in stock market in Elul (Elul 9). It’s a record 1 day drop so far from, “nothing happened”. Was there a crash? No, but again J. Cahn has been on record saying exactly what Mark B has said, “God doesn’t consult me before something, does it make sense? Yes, does there need to be an economic collapse – no. Does it have to happen on Elul 29? No. Has it happened on Elul 29 in the past – yes so it’s not hard to believe that historically speaking it’s not going to be a big surprise that it happens on that day.” Exactness of God isn’t something that is foreign either, did the same thing with Pharaoh on the 10th plague.

So what has happened during the blood moon period? Well, we had: Ebola outbreak, we had the formation of ISIS, we had the public beheading of Coptic Christians, he had boko haran killing over 8000 Christians. He had a nuclear deal with Iran. We had a record 1 day drop in the stock market.

Biblically, they (Israel) found the red heifer which is the 10th one in history since the time of Moses which also happened during the same week as the torah portion of the red heifer. For the first time since the 2cnd temple Levites have created the olive oil pure enough that meets the standards for burning olive oil for 3rd temple – happened the week of Hanukkah. .

It’s not like nothing happened. End of the world? No, but we’ll be here for 1000 years even Messiah comes back right? And more sot, again people that saw these observations and were the original source if you will never said any of those thoughts. Furthermore, the first 3.5 years of tribulation is actually a false peace so who knows what that means.

I however don’t think that we should live in fear of the future, also I think that if God put me in this time period and it is ‘last days’ then I’m sure if I align with Him, He’s going to use me however He wants to use me.

But the people that came up with these prophecies/observations were not being irrational – the original people. More so their advice wasn’t bad either both stating, “Not finical advisers” and, “If it’s the last days you shouldn’t be hiding under a rock – you have work to do”. But they said its not Biblical to be in debt and you might want to have cash on hand. All good things, especially because biblically or not our nations economy is messed up and I don’t see how it can continue like how it is – but that’s my own opinion.

It’s in the Bible that people repent (book of Jonah) and things are avoided. It’s also in the Bible that people get visions of what is to come (ie book of Rev). I don’t think it’s healthy to dislike this world so much you can’t wait for Messiah to come back. But I don’t think it’s irrational in our prayers to pray, “may messiah come speedily in our days” when the world needs healing. I also thought we were suppose to know signs and seasons, and those that don’t are the dumb virgins. I also thought if we look at the past we’ll know the future. We’ll America has turned it’s back by and large on God so pretty much can guess the future -grim.

Full circle, and forgive the long post. The prophecies were hijacked, it’s not really what they said – but it’s far from, nothing happening. End times? I don’t know we’ll find out but nothing to hold breath on. Brought awareness to the Feast days? Yes. Did it change my mindset of how I should view money and my time here very much. But people saying, ‘False false false’, it brings to question which prophecy they heard and what the expectations were of it. To me, I see it as things actually did happen. Do they have to deal with the prophecy? I don’t know but it wasn’t like it was an uneventful time period.

Thomas Elsinger

Thank you, Skip, for the “timely” remarks. And thank you, Derek S., for your thoughts and observations. So often people want to bury their heads in the sand. They don’t know–or don’t WANT to know–what is going on. We need to discern the times. But we don’t need to be afraid. I think the key is being prepared in order to help others.

Derek S

I agree. One thing that I heard that was really profound was Yeshua fed 5000 off of five loaves and two fish.

Lesson learned for me was 2 fold: If you prepare, have in your heart not to make a kingdom for yourself but to do good for others. Even if all you can do is just a little, if you do decide that preparing is what you are called to do (it really doesn’t have to be for the end of the world but just life) God can do a lot with just a little.

John Adam

Yes! For a clear understanding of why such events happen all the time I recommend the book “The Improbability Principle” by Derek Hand.

John Adam

Sorry, David, not Derek Hand

Derek S

@Skip, I can understand your point and I validate it. You can only study one thing at a time.

Trying to figure out, “the end days” doesn’t change the thesis that we are suppose to be taking care of the orphan, widow, the poor. The Bible was written in today’s time it could be have the title “How to have meaningful relationships…with man and with your Maker” . I don’t think the point is look ahead and figure out things.

I make the choice when I pick up the Bible to study and try to figure out, “when is the end of the world?” Or I can pick up the bible and study how to have relationship(s) (with God and with man). In my opinion I believe that the second way (studying about relationships) is going to bring positive fruit, the first (trying to crack the ‘great deception’ or end times events) boost knowledge but the fruit is questionable other then pride.

End times stuff, it can be interesting but I’ve adopted the mentality that not a whole heck of a lot we can do if it really is end times and it is irrelevant to my biblical walk.

While all is true, the blood moons phenomena I think brought awareness to the Feast days. The eclipses didn’t happen on x-mas, t-day, or any other man made holiday. It happened on His feast days. That has to hold weight. I personally viewed it as a wink and a nod. Just how I viewed the olive oil and red heifer (read my post above if it makes no sense)

I agree that, ‘it will all make sense afterwards’, I however do believe that we are suppose to be plugged into His calendar and when there is a phenomena that happens on His calendar one can ponder, ‘is this a sign that He is trying to send to me, my nation?” Introspection takes place, aligning takes place. Trying to figure out His next move…I don’t think is going to be accurate. But I also think its normal when we don’t view our God or His plans bigger then anything we can comprehend.

I guess what I’m saying is I agree with what you are saying Skip with the paradigm. However, I don’t think that His “signs and seasons” are going to be so abstract that no one can understand – or why even talk about signs and seasons? Just say, ‘they’ll be random events you’ll have no idea about when I’m coming back…nothing will make sense at all…” I just don’t know what to do with the signs and seasons… I don’t think that we are suppose to completely ignore then but i don’t think that is suppose to be our focal point either.

bp wade

Hey Derek,

I really appreciate the break down as well. From my perspective, by the time it makes it to mainstream media, it is corrupt and i watch it from a “how many will jump” perspective.


Derek S

Interesting, something to chew on. Thanks for the dialog.

bp wade

Honestly, i think what happened around the blood moons had more to do with occultic movement then anything else.

We WILL see the reverberations of that, whether or not we believe it exists or has any bearing on anything.

By the time it becomes acceptable to mainstream media it’s purpose is either distraction or misinformation.

My opinion. and you are welcome.

Holly S

I appreciate your thoughts on all of this and I’m tracking with them…honestly refreshing to hear someone call the blood moon stuff ‘nonsense.’ Whether the original guys intended it or not, it has turned into a message of…doom. However, thinking about something like the book of Revelation, we are wondering, how ARE we to study and process that from a Hebraic perspective? Isn’t the whole book a vision about what is to come? …Things that will happen in the future? Just curious.

Holly S

I appreciate your thoughts on all of this and I’m tracking with them…honestly refreshing to hear someone call the blood moon stuff ‘nonsense.’ Whether the original guys intended it or not, it has turned into a message of…doom. However, thinking about something like the book of Revelation, we are wondering, how ARE we to study and process that from a Hebraic perspective? Isn’t the whole book a vision about what is to come? …Things that will happen in the future? Just curious.

Holly S

Innnnnteresting. Thanks for your insight!


I agree with your words 100%, Derek. I read the original book by Mark Biltz before the hype spread far and wide and it was instrumental to me investigating the Biblical feasts more deeply. I did not read a single prediction or “prophecy” in his book. His point seemed to be that we need to be paying attention and get “on God’s calendar”. And with that, I agree.

Carmen Welker

Derek, you make some good points, but the thing is, “bad things” haven’t just been happening during this “blood moon” period; they’ve been happening throughout history, so I don’t believe “downplaying” what these “prophets” did by hyping this “blood moon” stuff is warranted. The bottom line is, both Hagee and Biltz are “date setters” making money on this whole issue. Neither of them “prophesied” the Ebola outbreak, or financial collapse, etc. – they were saying GOD was going to do certain things … i.e., Y’shua’s return/rapture, war in Israel. When someone tells me “Jesus will return” and the “rapture will happen” on such and such a day and it doesn’t happen, they are a FALSE prophet and need to step down and move over. They shouldn’t have people making excuses for them….

John Adam

Good points!

Holly S

I agree, Mark B didn’t set a date to my knowledge.

Derek S

@Carmen Welker, ^^ I accidentally commented under my wife’s screen name.


Thank you so much Derek for your reply. I was on my way over to say pretty much the same thing. As members of the body it is important not to run around proclaiming to have all of the answers or cause others to stumble. Cahn and Biltz spend much time sharing observations and pointing people to YHVH. Just because they sell books doesn’t mean they don’t also give the information away too because it is all over the place for free. There is even more than Derek mentions happening …now is the time to be in prayer, in the Word and in the will of the Lord . Blessed are the peacemakers …let us not be found stirring up strife

bp wade


One of my pet peeves is when someone comes into a discussion and throws down the ‘division/strife’ card.

Skip laid out some points a lot of people were already considering, Derek counter-pointed in a decisive well executed historical expose, others chimed in, Derek and Skip wrapped it up, everyone learned and walked away looking for desert.

Who learns ANYTHING w/out a little strife? In one of Skip’s teachings he lays it out that the paradigm for learning was we stood on the shoulders, the understandings, the teachings of others and built from there. That was the foundational conversation in every institute of learning.

I believed that. I spoke that. I moved that on, repeatedly and lived that way, expecting that what i had learned, (read: L-EARNED, because i had to toil to dig up the things i pulled together) would be received and accepted by others.

It was not and i was (often) confused.

Skip totally disabused me of that conversation. We do NOT learn anything knew on the shoulders of others. We only learn NEW when the old has been exploded to smithereens and exposed for the fallacy it truly was.

That entails strife. Division. Discussion. HEATED discussion. Our little human hackles have to be riled up sometimes and their (false) roots have to be exposed so that they can be cut off, never to rise again.

It’s an ugly job, but someone has to do it. Messiah did it. Paul did it. Everyone of the original disciples did it, ALL of them were arrested (most numerous times) as rebel rousers. Messiah was arrested as an enemy of the state (literally) and assassinated as just another false messiah.

The whole teaching of division making and strife comes out of a need to keep people in line. I learned it at a little church in Thomaston GA, where i learned so much good that when confronted with the bad it justified itself. But the truth was the leaders in that church did not walk in righteousness, and they didn’t expect their teachers to walk in righteousness.

Those that showed up, moved their families and their lives to be part of the church only to find the corrupt core were often bruised and confused to begin with so when they were pounded into silence (and in silence, complicity) with this teaching.

The fear of being labeled a division maker, a source of strife, was so instilled in others that out right abuse, by the pastor(s) was accepted by silence. When people left (or leave, as it is still going on), THOSE people were vilified, but that was a righteous vilification, because the LEADERS broached.

I hope to be found in strife when Messiah returns, because i expect that the majority of those alive will not be wanting to glorify him.

end rant.

John Adam

Thank you, Skip, for this breath of fresh air and sanity! I think part of the problem here is that many (but thankfully not all) in the evangelical Christian community are scientifically ignorant, and indeed, mistrust science and scientists. Of course this spills over into their views regarding climate change…but that’s a story for another day!

bp wade

I LOVE this breakdown!

So rare for someone to actually be able to track the movement of something like this. Thank you!

Have you read Dave McPherson’s book(s) on the rapture? Seems like you might have.

John Adam

BP, if your comment was directed to me, no I have not read them. (If it was not directed to me, the answer is still the same. :-))

bp wade

Hey John, it was directed to Derek, and that’s ok, i seem to have no way of controlling what posts or where it posts on my computer. I see that a post i thought had erased itself did, in fact, post and a couple of others i was responding to specifically just randomly placed themselves.

Either i or need more coffee or my computer does.

The books are great tho, if one is truly interested in tracking down the genesis of the current rapture theory.

Derek S

@bp wade, no I haven’t read the book. I’ll have to check into it. When I was just coming into learning about the roots of my faith is when I first heard about blood moon stuff and Isiah 9:10 prophecy (about 4 years ago). So I got to hear about it from the source before it was diluted with sensationalism. And since then I have also have seen it evolve.

So don’t give me to much credit though, I just have heard about this stuff for a while and thought it was interesting then and still think it’s pretty cool. The past lunar eclipse was the first/only one I got to see in the tetrad (also first one I’ve seen in my life).

Next big one that people will start talking about is going to be the star alignment mentioned in Rev 12 (mid point of tribulation according to the book of Rev) which is a near impossible event because their has to be planet that comes into play for there to the correct number or ‘start’ (or lights) in the crown. Happens in 2017 Rosh Hashana (Sept 23 2017). Just an FYI so you can watch how it will evolve too (marker vs sign).

Derek S

I only say that so you can see how it evolves, nothing more then that.

bp wade

Nice. I like know the roots of things. Hence my fascination w/skip’s work.

Once something/one goes mainstream i consider them corrupt beyond reliability. Mainstream only has 3 focuses: money, misinformation and disinformation.

Telling me something is reliable because it’s on all the networks or the whitehouse has given a nod…pretty much kills it for me.

Yes. I’m jaded.


Thanks Skip , alot to chew on here.

You wrote : ” Do I really need to point out once more that those who made the predictions are, according to the Torah, false prophets. When do you think we will finally get over our insatiable need to know the future? Apparently no one does, not even Yeshua.”

Luk 21:25 “And there shall be signs in the sun, and moon, and stars, and on the earth anxiety of nations, in bewilderment at the roaring of the sea, and agitation,
Luk 21:26 men fainting from fear and the expectation of what is coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.
Luk 21:27 “And then they shall see the Son of Aḏam coming in a cloud with power and much esteem.
Luk 21:28 “And when these matters begin to take place, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”
Luk 21:29 And He spoke a parable to them, “Look at the fig tree, and all the trees.
Luk 21:30 “When they have already budded, observing it, you shall know for yourselves that summer is now near.
Luk 21:31 “So you also, when you see these matters take place, know that the reign of Elohim is near.
Luk 21:32 “Truly, I say to you, this generation shall by no means pass away till all shall have taken place.

So why i see some GREAT points from both Mr. Skip and Mr. Derek , and but after reading what i posted on Luke all the while being mindful of Duet. 4:19 , Isa. 40:6 , Rom 1: 24-25 …… is there not something embedded within ancient Hebrew and Aramaic all along, passed down from say Enoch to Moses to David, to Ezra and up to the time of Yeshua for us today ?

Tom Walter

After spending most of my “walk” handing out tracks, street preaching, telling people they better get ready He’s coming back, tackling Christians so they can hear about Torah, I’m finally getting the picture…just live life…live life! As Skip quotes from scripture “as you go about.” Step down from your pedestal, no jump down from your pedestal and live life. Humble yourself and be righteous. Help the widows, orphans and the oppressed because they need help. Be set apart to righteousness (Torah) and people will ask what’s up? And they are! It’s exciting. Oh and one of the most important things…LISTEN to you Ezer!

Derek S

So true

Michael C

Yes, and Yes!




If we were more preoccupied with bringing the King’s presence and redemption into the here and now (advancing and pressing into the kingdom of heaven), we would not be so fascinated and mesmerized about the end of this age.

At the same time, the people in Yeshua’s day were longing for the coming of Messiah. If this was not so, the context of Yeshua’s life and ministry would have not made the impact that it did. The story of the TaNaKh sets the stage for the anticipation and arrival of a Messiah and Deliverer.

Yeshua said, “But concerning that day and hour no one knows . . .” This is a local colloquialism referring to the sighting of the new moon: the shofar was blown at the first sighting of the new moon. The people did not know the exact day or hour, but they knew it would occur on 1 of 2 days. Even though they did not know exactly when it would happen, they “knew” the season they were in. Should we not “know” the season when our Messiah returns?

On a personal note: I am not into advocating the blood moon craze! And I am definitely not defending people in prominent places, playing on and illuminating people’s fears in this terrifying age.

What does find resonance with me and is proclaimed by the early followers of Yeshua? “Maranatha!” “Come, Lord Jesus!”


” At the same time, the people in Yeshua’s day were longing for the coming of Messiah. If this was not so, the context of Yeshua’s life and ministry would have not made the impact that it did. The story of the TaNaKh sets the stage for the anticipation and arrival of a Messiah and Deliverer. ”

The Brit Chadasha reveals many things in my eyes that can only occur within this age and TO COME [ read Rev. ] . It also sets the stage for the Return of the ” Come Back King ” that we anticipate much like the Yisraelites did in the Tanak. While i strongly agree we should focus on the here and now [ to be ready ] building and sustaining healthy relationships all the while trusting in Abba’s promises [ that are manifesting continually ] and keeping His commandments…, there is a very wonderful element that we ALL look FORWARD to – ” And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”

I believe that people can multi task without losing site on the weighter matters.

Kees Brakshoofden

This is why, in Hebrew thought, the future is behind you, the past in front of you: YOU CAN’T SEE THE FUTURE, you can ONLY (over)see your past.

Andre Steffens

I get the impression from the original article and the subsequent responses, that there are two groups on this issue:
1) those that feel the blood moons provide an important message or sign that we should take heed off (I am part of this group), and
2) those that feel all the fuss about the blood moons are just that: a fuss.

I am not responding to defend anybody that made predictions based on the blood moons, as I believe it is presumptuous to make such predictions. Scriptural prophecy is not about making predictions, but to call Israel back to repentance and the Torah. Once the call has been made, the implications of not heeding the call is made very clear (and this is where some people bring predictions of the future into the picture). The example mentioned previously of Jonah and Nineveh is a good point in favour to show how Scriptural prophecy works. The fact that Nineveh was not destroyed, did not make Jonah a false prophet. It was Nineveh’s repentance that saved them and led to not being destroyed!

Therefore, the fact that the moon turns to blood four times in two years and all four times are on Hebrew feast days, should be a wake-up call to all of us! It should remind us that we should be ready, as our end is near (and I am not talking about end-time predictions here). It is similar for me to the fact that we spend the ten days between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur contemplating our lives and where we are in relation to what is expected of us. The blood moons has nothing to do with predicting the future, but rather to remind us that there will be an end and perhaps the season is drawing near and that we should be prepared.

In reading through the replies above, it seems as if there is some that want to minimize the power of prophecy. If roughly a third of the Scriptures is prophecy (apocalyptic or not), why do we say that it is a waste of time to spend energy on it? I think we would be foolish NOT to spend time on viewing the signs that our Creator is providing to us in nature and elsewhere and see it in relation to prophecy and recognize the birth pains. I agree that fixation with “knowing the future” or “knowing when the end will come” is unscriptural and a waste of time, but Yeshua said that we should not be caught unawares and that we should recognize the signs just like we recognize the signs that the seasons are changing (my paraphrase).

The blood moons serve one purpose and it is to tell us: “WAKE UP!!! TURN BACK TO TORAH!!!” and “RECOGNIZE THE SEASON!!!”.

Mark Randall

These “Blood Moons” are just simply NOT the moon turning to blood related to Joel, period. It’s a lunar eclipse and has happened many times in the past and, if Yeshua should tarry, will happen many times in the future.

The lunar eclipse isn’t related to any prophecy in scripture. The Joel passage cites two supernatural events at the same time. The moon turning to blood AND the sun darkening. So. it couldn’t be related.

It’s been the end of days since Yeshua walked this earth. We should live everyday as if the “thief could come in the night”. Just by reasonable assumption one could say you wouldn’t be able to know when the thief was going to show up, with or without the Joel passages.

This has been a major year of distractions, seriously bad scholarship and massive ear tickling doctrines. None of which we should be focusing on at all. If being on the best seller list and making millions of dollars is an indication of what we should be taking notice of, then I’d say we’re in sad shape. Either that or we’re watching and paying attention to the wrong $igns.

Just my two cents…

Shabbat Shalom!