On Whose Authority?

“Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat;” Luke 22:31 NASB

Demanded permission – How much authority do you give to Satan? Even this translation seems to suggest that he can demand opportunity to cause spiritual distress. But closer examination corrects some of our Medieval additions to his power and character. This verse uses the Greek verb exaiteo. The root is aiteo. It has two meanings. First, it is used of “demand.” The occurrences often involve religious evidence (a demand for a sign) and an explanation (accounting for faith). The second use means “to request.” This is the verb used when the disciples ask Yeshua to teach them to pray. Obviously, context determines whether the verb is about demands or requests.

The root aiteo is modified by adding the prefix. Now the verb means, “to ask with the implication of having the right to do so.”   This is why it can be translated “demand.” But notice the subtle difference. If I demand something from you, my action communicates force, not merely request by right. If I ask something of you and am entitled to do so, the forcefulness of the action is diminished. Yes, I might have the right to make the request, but the outcome still depends on agreement, not merely on legal obligation.

We should further note that the NASB adds the word “permission.” The ESV is closer to the original when it translates the verse, “Satan demanded to have you that he might sift you like wheat.” Satan is not demanding permission. He is requesting (with the right to do so) Peter. The key to understanding this verse is the answer to the question: What gives Satan the right to make this request? The answer is “YHVH.” The only reason Satan can even make such a request is because he has been granted the right to make the request by YHVH. That, by the way, doesn’t mean his request will always be given. It only means he has the right to ask. When we assume that because he has been given the right to ask he is therefore entitled to do whatever he wishes with those whom he attacks, we grant him more than he actually has. Tragically, we forget that the right to ask still requires YHVH’s approval. That is the significant point in the opening conversation between the Accuser and YHVH in the book of Job. The devil does not get his due unless YHVH gives it. There is only one supreme God, and it isn’t ha-Satan.

Perhaps you need to reconsider your image of Satan. Have you granted him much more power and authority than he actually has? Have you been afraid of a being whose very existence depends on the will of YHVH? Have you accepted the accumulation of legend, myth and fairy tales as if they really describe one of God’s own creations? Yes, I know there are reports of Satan’s real efforts to undermine God’s purposes. Yes, I know there is such a thing as spiritual evil (usually manifested in the acts of men). But I’m not inclined to give ha-Satan any more credence than Scripture allows. I am not a follower of Dante. Are you?

Topical Index: ha-Satan, demand, ask, aiteo, exaiteo, permission, Luke 22:31

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Larry LaRocca

As my grandfather once said, “You have every right to ask. And I have every right to tell you No.”

David Williams

Why does God allow opposition to His will? There’s something about ‘freedom’ that is foundational in our understanding of God and exactly what He is doing with and for His creation. Would it be ‘wise’ to setup a fiefdom with opposition built in or ready to spring forth at a moments’ notice? Aren’t you just asking for trouble? And the “Accuser’ can be and is usually associated with trouble. The antagonist to the Good, ‘seems’ to mettle a lot in this world and with humanity. Does he deserve the credit or are we way too quick to pawn all or most of our evil actions on him, Satan? God gives us free choice; no permission required. Most of the time, we ‘screw’ things up and it seems, we are always looking for someone or something to blame it on. And Satan is a very convenient thing to attach our actions to. Enough! It’s time we all ‘put our big-boy pants on’, accept responsibility for our evil actions, when they occur and stop blaming Satan for our own mistakes and our choices. He is given way to much credit for his capabilities and actions in this Creation. So why does God allow opposition to His will? I guess I don’t know with any real certainty. But I do know that ‘freedom’ is awfully important to the Creator, and I am content with that.


It’s funny, every time I have read this verse in the past, I assumed Satan was asking Peter for permission. This time reading the verse (even before reading your insights) my mine immediately went to Job. Satan isn’t asking ME permission, but is asking YHVH. His sovereignty reigns and if He chooses to allow the enemy to tempt me, it is still my obligation to resist the devil. As Yeshua was lead into the wilderness by Holy Spirit, so will we be. It is necessary for us to mature. Satan is simply a pawn, a tool to be used for YHVH’s ultimate purposes.

carl roberts

Permission Please

Everyone has a boss. The question I have is, “Who is the Boss of bosses?” The Godfather? Or God, our Father? Yes, O yes, o yes with a Hallelujah thrown in for good measure, God is large and in charge. Ha-satan? A thoroughly denounced and DEFEATED foe. The resurrected, reigning, Living and totally victorious Messiah, IS now the King of kings and Sovereign LORD of lords. Friend, I bow the knee.. — to Him!! “Blessed is the Name of the LORD.” That Name, btw, is the only Name by which we MUST be saved!! ~Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other Name under heaven given tod [ALL] mankind by which we must be saved.”

Yes friends, to our heavenly ABBA- Father, “Every life matters!” And. “whosoever will” may come!! Every man, each man, all men are welcome to come! The invitation of our Savior is to “whoever has ears to hear..” ~ Come unto Me, “all” who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give your rest. Take my yoke upon you [sir or m’am] and learn of (from) Me, for I AM meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. ~

There is another incredible invitation God has given unto all and therefore, “yes” we may. In addition to salvation, we have been given access to the very throne of God — the throne of Grace. And now, (with His permission, of course!), “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of Grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4.16)


Now God granted permission in Job’s case according to the records with the provision that the devil touch not his life…
The Christian indoctrination says if God be with us who can be against us… based on Yeshua teachings.
Peter met the temptation before the cock crowd three times. He was forewarned while Job had no idea and believed it was because of the sins of his offspring.
Do we really have the power to say no to satan… or is it rather God’s grace that keeps satan at bay and we are the beneficiaries of that specific relationship…
And for this reason the calling to trust and have faith in both YHVH and Yeshua…

David Williams

It might depend on how you ‘co-mingle’ what you see as the actions of Satan and what in all probability is your ‘evil inclination’, which you certainly have the ability and hopefully the desire to control. The writer of Genesis 4:7 says in part, “sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it.” . This is YHWH speaking to Cain. The implication seems clear. But, unfortunately, Cain chose poorly, leaving us with the first recorded murder in scripture.


David if I know to do good and do it not it is sin… An earlier blog pharoah could not have sinned as God hardened his heart as Moses was informed before being sent… So did Job have no control in improving and keeping what he had.
We have the choice provided we have the mental ability to control in the circumstances, wit that I agree.
The reality is as per Yeshua’s teachings when we fail to keep our minds pre-occupied with knowing God’s will the demons will find a place to be haboured…
Keep our hearts filled with the incorruptable seed.

Thomas Elsinger

I think that too often we don’t look at God big enough. We try to reason about His actions and responses as though He was like us humans. He can do anything He wants. He doesn’t have to be three different persons, for example, to get the job done. Maybe Satan does a better job than we do of looking at God big enough.


God certainly is big enough…….Way past my comprehension, I often fail to give him proper credit


Thomas and Dennis more truth in your statements than most would acknowledge. Thank you


Nope, neither am I a follower of Dante, who was an interesting character with immense (wild?) imagination that made him a famous Italian poet of the middle ages, a philosopher and author. He is extremely popular for his work “Divine Comedy” where he visited souls in Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise.

Some of his famous quotes-
” Avarice, envy, pride,Three fatal sparks, have set the hearts of all on Fire.”
“Consider your origin you were not born to live like brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge”
“He loves but little who can say and count in words how much he loves”

But I’m not inclined to give ha-satan, the adversary, any more credence than Scripture allows, as most in christiandom does, according that much power to a fallen, disposed angel. Yes, we do have the choice to oppose ‘him’ when YHWH’s light is in us as we submit only to His rulership, as Iyob/ Job did.