Cross Word Puzzles

Cross Word Puzzles, by Skip Moen, D.Phil

How would a Jewish believer in the first century understand the meaning of the cross?  We often overlook the fact that nearly all of the earliest believers in Yeshua HaMashiach were Jewish.  So were almost all of the authors of our “New Testament.”  That means they understood their experiences of God’s interactions with Yeshua and the idea of the Messiah from a Jewish perspective.  They did not think of these things the way Christians do today.  It took hundreds of years for the Christian Church to develop the theology of the cross that is so familiar to us – but it wasn’t always like this.Beginning with the virtually universal Christian belief that Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of sin, this book examines the first-century Jewish views of atonement, forgiveness and the purposes of God.  The result is a thorough critical review of the common Christian assumption, based on the record of Scripture and the linguistic evidence.

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