

These audio files contain commentary and group study of Mesillat Yesharim by Moses Luzzatto. Written more than 200 years ago, Luzzatto's analysis of the disciplines necessary for a life of righteousness remains just as valid today as it was the day he penned it. Careful study of this book demonstrates the Hebraic connection to psychology, ethics and personal growth. More than any other book, Mesillat Yesharim confronts the reader with the necessity of deep transformation and commitment to the righteous path. In the process of his analysis, we learn what it means to fulfill the commandment to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.

These audio recordings were made during a small group chapter-by-chapter study of Luzzatto's material and the commentary by Ira Stone in the Jewish Publication Society edition of 2010. References to page numbers during the discussion are to this edition only. ISBN 978-0-8276-0856-6. Click on the ISBN to order from Amazon Smile.

The entire audio series is available for $40 consisting of 33 mp3 files of approximately 50 hours of material.

Mesillat – $40.00 Donation
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