Spiritual Presumption

for if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will He spare you.  Romans 11:21  NASB

Spare – Why did God break off some of the branches from the root of the olive tree?  Ah, before you answer, notice a few things.  First, only some of the braches were broken off.  Not all Israel was punished or removed.  Secondly, the root remains.  God’s election of Israel as priest to the nations is unchanged.  Thirdly, some Gentiles (like you and me) were graciously grafted into this same root.  We didn’t start a new tree.  We live because we are connected to the tree of Israel. 

Now answer the question.  Why were some of the natural branches broken off?  Paul offers two ways to look at this.  The first is negative.  These were broken off because they did not serve the purposes of God.  What does that mean?  That they rejected the Messiah?  Funny, Paul never mentions that in this discussion.  What he points out is that their insular attitude failed to meet God’s design for them as priests for the needy world.  At Sinai God established Israel as a holy nation (holiness entails obedience) and a royal priesthood (priests are intercessors).  But Israel’s preoccupation with ritual purity led them to view Gentiles as defiled.  Therefore, they stopped being what God intended, namely, intercessors to the nations.  God sent Peter a vision on the rooftop to get Peter to change his mind about this.  Paul had to have another kind of vision.  So some branches were broken off because they stopped fulfilling the divine design.  They stopped caring.

The positive side of the equation is that as a result of this action the Gentiles were grafted on to the natural root.  What does this mean?  It means that those of us who have been grafted in take on the same obligations previously expected of the now broken off branches.  Holiness and intercession.  God’s plan never changed.  He simply worked around those who did not follow it.

And He will do the same with us!  God’s plan is to bring His kingdom to earth, a Kingdom of holiness and intercession.  You and I participate when we join the root of the olive tree.  But we should never imagine that we are any more (or less) secure than those branches He pruned because they were not fulfilling their purpose.  If we are not being salt and light, God will prune us too.  The goal is always the same.  Only the players are different.  God has no problem with substitutions.  The root is Israel.  That never changes.  Who is grafted into the root depends on who fulfills the purpose of Israel.  Back to Exodus.  Forward to the Kingdom.

If we presume that God will not remove us when we fail to live according to the design of His chosen nation, we are in grave danger.  He broke off unproductive branches before.  He will do so again.  The Greek verb (pheidomai) means, “to treat leniently.”  The negative is strong (ou).  If you thought God would be lenient with you because you “believe,” it’s time to think again.  Paul’s message is, “No way!”

Topical Index:  spare, kingdom, root, branches, Romans 11:21

By the time you read this, I will be in Heathrow airport waiting for the plane to Johannesburg.  You might offer a prayer about this trip for me.  Thanks.  I will be WITHOUT internet for about 10 days, so just carry on.  I’ll reconnect as I am able.


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carl roberts

The Last Words of The Messiah

Abiding in Christ (the Vine)

John chapter 15 occupies a purposeful and powerful place in the Bible. Jesus never wasted any words, but these are the last words of a Man who knows He is about to die.

Every eternal word Jesus spoke was pure and straight from the heart of God. He was and is both the visible and invisible Representative of the triune God as Man to man. He is the human face of God. He is the incarnate Logos of God in human flesh. John 15 is the special summary-teaching of the Anointed One to His disciples. It is the final instruction of the Master-Teacher (Rabbi) to those who are willing to learn. This is the living will of the Lamb of God to those who would follow in His steps.

“Abide in Me.” Exceedingly rich and fertile words. “I AM the Vine; you are the branches.

“The one who remains in Me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without Me..” “Nothing,” -emptiness and fuitility. These are the covenant words of Christ. “If you (will) abide in Me and My words (will) abide in you..” Do we welcome His words? Have these, (His words) found a happy home in our hearts? These are the life-giving, life-imparting everlasting words of Him, – the One who is the Living Word.

Invitational words. Relational words. Transformational words.

The words of God.

Refreshing words. Renewing words. Reviving words.

The words of God.

Words of unity. Words of harmony. Words of destiny.

The words of God.

Intense words. Immense words. Immeasurable words.

The living words of God.

Universal words- spoken to all. Personal words-spoken to each.

The words of God.

The living Word of God has spoken to us in the written Word of God, and today

“It is written”.

“Speak LORD, and your servant will “shema.”

“(because) faith, (which pleases Him) comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

How well we hear will determine how well we live. The quality of our hearing will determine the quality of our living.

Shema -O, Israel. Amen.

~ I will hear what God the LORD will speak: for He will speak peace unto His people, and to His saints ~ (Psalm 85.8)

~ Come, let us worship and bow down, Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker. For He is our God, And we are the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand. And today, if you would hear His voice.., (Psalm 95.6-8)


Have a safe trip Skip!

Michael C

Thanks for ministering there, Skip.

May your heart for our Father grow stronger and your experiential knowledge of him grow deeper on this trip.

May your words connect to the peoples hearts there that they choose a closer, clearer and solid walk with Yeshua.

Oh, and my prayer is that you have so fun, too. Enjoy your time there.


“those of us who have been grafted in take on the same obligations previously expected of the now broken off branches.”

Therein lies the disagreement over the last 1,700 years. How does a gentile fulfill holiness and intercession?

It seems increasingly true that the jewish community, including those who are believers in Yeshua, are actively lobbying for gentiles to NOT take on the full 613 commandments. See: Boaz Michael and Bob Gorelik for starters. (Yes, I know all 613 do not apply to each disciple)

The gentile church preaches the same thing.

Are both sides of the family of YHVH wrong and a smallish group of mostly gentile Messianic believers have it right?

This is the open question in my life.


Hi Daniel — I believe that Skip is talking about the 613 mitzvot and the application today at the Virginia Beach conference in February. Details are listed in his calendar.

I agree that we certainly hear mixed messages from all quarters on this topic. Have you read the mitzvot for yourself? I think you would find that with the exception of those that are temple-related (which no one can currently keep), most are quite reasonable for followers of the way.


Hi there !
I have a question concerning the branches being broken off at the root.
I have never see branches being broken off at the root.
I have seen branches being broken off and they dry up because the source of the branch is still in tact.
Branches are where the fruit is to be obtained from and IF they are broken off; no fruit.
Am I to understand that this is speaking of salvation and not fruit ?
As for me… I can not see that .
PLEASE explain ..anyone

Thomas Elsinger

Carol, maybe I’m not using the same translation, but I don’t see where Paul says that branches were broken off “at” the root. As one who has worked a long time with trees, that just doesn’t make sense, and I can see where you might be perplexed. Branches were broken off, but not at the root. Does that automatically answer some of your questions?


THANK YOU.. I did not see HOW they could be cut off of the root or from the root but from the trunk yes.. THANK YOU..

Zenyth T

Isn’t Jesus/ the lamb that was slain before the foundation of the earth, the root and the vine that all of our branches come from? Not Israel.

I understand that Israel is still part of the plan but I don’t think our branches sprout from them but that all of our branches together (those who God did not prune and who were grafted in) come from the one vine of the one who reconciled humanity with God.

And yes we all have the same purpose now together equally.

Zenyth T

In other words where did the idea that Israel, and not the Messiah, is the root spoken of. How can the root be cut off of itself, Israel seems to be branches just as we are and the root, the vine is the Messiah.


How I wish my health was good and I COULD BE WITH YOU. Can’t wait for pictures.

Father Almighty One True God, I ask that You protect our brother and teacher. Protect him from illness and disease. Protect him from harm the enemy might have planned for him. Strengthen his faith, wonderful YHVH. Give him Your eyes, Your heart, Your Words. Thank You that he has these opportunities to travel to these beautiful people.
In Yeshua’s Holy Name, Amen

Now, back to the topic: While I see truth in God’s cutting the non-functioning branches from His stock (because of their continual pride, rebellion, etc), the end result of that stiff-necked-ness is inability to recognize their Messiah. They weren’t prepared for the Bridegroom… they were still dressed in filthy rags.

Praise God there will come a time when their eyes and hearts will open up and they will bow in humble adoration to their Messiah and King.