Woe Is Me!

To the woman He said, “I will greatly multiply your pain in childbirth, in pain you will bring forth children; yet your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.” Genesis 3:16 NASB Pain – What a twisted verse! When you read this, doesn’t it make you question the justice of…

Vowel Problems

To the woman He said, “I will greatly increase your sorrow and your conception – bring forth children in pain. And your desire is for your husband, and he does rule over you.” Genesis 3:16 (SRI) Greatly Increase – Perhaps we have become so numb to this story that we just don’t ask any questions…

Problemas de Vocales

A la mujer dijo: En gran manera multiplicaré tu dolor en el parto, con dolor darás a luz los hijos; y con todo, tu deseo será para tu marido, y él tendrá dominio sobre ti. Génesis 3:16 Gran Manera Multiplicaré – Quizás nos hemos entumecido tanto a esta historia que ya ni hacemos preguntas. Hemos…

Diseño Italiano

Y tu deseo será para tu marido, y él tendrá dominio sobre ti. Génesis 3:16 Deseo – Este versículo ha creado una cantidad increíble de dolor al Cuerpo. Por siglos la Iglesia ha interpretado este versículo como una maldición prescriptiva, declarando que Dios ha volteado la mesa sobre la igualdad de la creación como castigo…

Italian Design

And your desire is for your husband, and he does rule over you. Genesis 3:16 Desire – This verse has created an incredible amount of grief within the Body. For centuries the Church interpreted the verse as a prescriptive curse, claiming that God intentionally turned the tables on the equality of creation as punishment for…