Anxiety (2)

“Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, . .”  Matthew 6:25 ESV Anxious – Heidegger calls anxiety the manifestation of “homelessness.”  Anxiety is being afraid of things that are not real, things that might happen.  When I am afraid of what might happen, I feel a kind of persistent, “things are not right”…

Anxiety (1)

“Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, . .”  Matthew 6:25 ESV Anxious – “Please, don’t let anybody leave me.”  Jessica Lynch Most of us will never know the horrors that Jessica Lynch suffered at the hands of her captors.  But we immediately know the feeling expressed in her plea.   Out of her…

When Is Enough?

My mouth is filled with Your praise and with Your glory all day long. Do not cast me off in the time of old age; do not forsake me when my strength fails. Psalm 71:8-9 NASB Not forsake – Hebrew poetry puts words in order of importance, not English syntax. Our translations rearrange the words…