
“But seek first His kingdom, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.”  Matthew 6:33  NASB Seek – The word used in this quotation from Yeshua means “to deliberately strive and desire something as an act of the will.”  It is the Greek verb zeteo.  Here the context implies putting your…


“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness”  Matt. 6:33 Now we know that the word translated kingdom comes from the Greek basileia.  We know that God establishes His kingdom through His own personal announcement – another creation spoken into existence.  Human agency is not part of this creation.  It is God’s plan…


“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness”  Matt. 6:33 The second phase in examining this verse will focus on what we are seeking.  Remember that the Greek word for seek is zeteo.  We discovered that this root word has several different meanings.  It can mean “to strive after”,  “to look for”, and…