
“Then I said, “Here am I.  Send me!””  Isaiah 6:8

Send – God uses a voluntary army.  He rarely drafts soldiers.  In fact, He doesn’t even require that you register for the draft.  He asks for volunteers.  Even Jesus volunteered for the assignment.  God never insisted of service, even for His own Son.  Look at Philippians 2:5 to 9 again.  It’s the epitome of volunteer obedience.

God has already cut marching orders for you but He won’t deliver them until you answer His call.  Isaiah (and a lot of the prophets) heard the question:  “Whom shall I send and who will go for Us?”  Isaiah did not hesitate at all.  “Look God.  I’m right here.  Send me!” 

The Hebrew word is shalah.  It’s the same word we saw yesterday for “letting loose” or “giving away”.  In this context, it is about going forth with purpose.  It’s the word for The Blues Brothers.  They were on a mission from God.

Why does God want volunteers?  It’s all about commitment.  How many times have you been in a group where someone asked for a volunteer?  Did it make you feel uncomfortable?  Did you hang back?  If you did, you probably didn’t want the responsibility or the pressure.  You weren’t committed.  So, you weren’t the right person for the job.  Your heart wasn’t really in it.  But what about those moments when you couldn’t wait to get involved?  The times when you were brimming with enthusiasm because the task ahead was exactly right for you.  Volunteer?  You bet!  Total commitment means you’re ready to make the goal your own.  That’s why God waits for volunteers.  He wants people who want what He wants; who are ready to do want it takes to please Him.

But once you volunteer, be ready to take orders.  Everyone in God’s army is a foot soldier.  There is only one general.   

If you responded to what you thought was God’s call as a draftee, you just don’t enjoy the work.  It’s not who you are.  And it’s not what God wants either.  Be a volunteer where your commitment drives your performance.  You’ll know right away when you’re in the right place.  You will be overjoyed to follow orders.

What’s your mission from God?  Where can you stand up and say, “Send me!”


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