God’s Choice

Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” Luke 5:13

I Am Willing – Thelo. Greek for “I choose”. Certainly the most important words we could ever hope to hear. Without them, we are lost. It makes no difference that God is able to save. It matters only that God is willing to save. The gap between able and willing is a chasm so deep and so wide that no man can ever cross it. It is the space between holy and redeemed. If you offer praise to God, offer praise that He is willing for He had no compulsion to act on our behalf. It is grace and grace alone that brings willingness and ability together.

When the leper approached Jesus, he did not need to be convinced of Jesus’ ability. He said plainly that he knew Jesus could cure him. The only question was the question of desire. “Lord, if you choose to, you are able to heal me.” That is the essential question. Does God choose to help us? Is He willing? And Jesus answers for the Father, “Yes, I am willing.”

Have you considered the impact of this single Greek word on your life? Thelo. I am willing. It means that Jesus is not just approachable and capable. It means that He wants to rescue me. No matter how sick I am, no matter where my life has taken me, no matter how helpless I feel, Jesus chooses me. Jesus is willing to grip whatever binds me and break those chains around my heart. He stands up for me.

Do you want to know what love looks like? Love is “I am willing”.

Jesus was willing. That is the summary of His life. Is it the summary of yours?

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