
but at the proper time manifested, even His word, in the proclamation with which I was entrusted according to the commandment of God our Savior, Titus 1:3 NASB

God our Savior – When Paul defines his authority with regard to the proclamation of the good news of the Kingdom and the role of the Messiah, he uses the phrase soteros theou. It is properly translated as two genitive nouns. The first is our Savior. The second, even though it is in the final position in the Greek sentence, is also a genitive (possessive) modifying the noun soteros. Therefore, it is “of God,” and the whole phrase is “of God our Savior.” In other words, Paul’s authority comes from a command (epitagen) of God our Savior.  No problem at all. This is what the text clearly says.

But the text leads to a rather perplexing theological problem. I thought Paul was under the command of Yeshua the Messiah. I thought his authority came from the Anointed One. And I certainly was taught that it was “Jesus” who saves. What can Paul mean when he clearly says that our God (that is, YHVH) is the Savior? He certainly makes a distinction between “our God” and the Messiah. He does not say that the Messiah saves us or that the Messiah is our God. He uses the Greek theos, a word almost never attributed to Yeshua. In fact, there can be no doubt whatsoever that theos is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew El and Elohim, the One true God of Israel, used hundreds of times in the apostolic writings and the LXX.

Strange, wouldn’t you say? If Paul’s preaching is all about the news of the Messiah, if all he wishes to know is the power of the resurrection, wouldn’t you expect him to claim that his authority rests on the salvific work of Yeshua? Why would Paul of all people defer to an authority fully contained in the Tanakh, absolutely in concert with the one God proclaimed by Moses? As I recall, Paul was given his commission by Yeshua following his blindness on the Damascus road. Then why would Paul suggest that it was YHVH who commanded him?

Ah, some interpreters will draw the conclusion that Yeshua must be YHVH and that’s why Paul can use the two interchangeably. But this isn’t the case. Paul never uses theos of Yeshua nor christos of YHVH. Paul does not interchange the Greek terms. But he certainly recognizes two different roles, doesn’t he? How in the world can he do this if he really thinks that Yeshua and YHVH are the same being in essence and existence?

I must be confused. I thought I had Paul’s Trinitarian theology all worked out. Now I am not sure what he means. Maybe I should ask a rabbi. At any rate, Paul clearly views his authority originating with the God of Israel. We should not have expceted less. This means that we should find what we need to know about the God who saves in the Tanakh, the same Scriptures Paul had. We should find what we need to know about Yeshua the Messiah in the same Scriptures. That was the point of the conversation on the road to Emmaus.

So what about you? Could you find what you need to know about the Messiah and the God who saves in the Tanakh? Or does your faith depend on things Paul wrote? Are you instructed by the God of Israel or do you need the commentary of the rabbi He commissioned?

Topical Index: God our Savior, theos, soteros, Trinity, Titus 1:3


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That is powerful Skip!! It has left me breathless as one grows weary of hearing life according to Paul from so many for so many years.

vicki B.

Amazingly enough I’ve had this same struggle for a life time..I was introduced & ambitiously accepted the Messiah (still do) as a child but my true relationship has always been with Elohim. I can’t imagine it any differently nor am I able to find scripture opposing it. The Messiah always pointed all attention to the Father & the Tanakh. However, in the last few years I’ve become more aware I “don’t have a personal relationship with Yeshua the Messiah” as it is implied by the community- what does that mean anyway? Am I skipping protocol? I have been seeking YHVH about this, more & more I sense we can’t comprehend (but not completely unable) what Yeshua “REALLY DID”because of-disinformation, misrepresentation, misinterpretation & consequently not know the breadth & depth of this spiritual element.

John walsh

As I see it Skip, I do not see much difficulty with Paul calling the Father “Savior”. After all, we know that scripture tells us that the Father SENT the Son to do what was required to save humanity (John 3:16)
So as instigator of our salvation, surely the Father qualifies as Savior too in a real sense!
For me, a bigger problem in the relationship status Chrisitians at large have with the Father and Son comes from the typical misrepresentation (often found in Protestant and Evangelical Christianity) of God the Father being the God of the “Old Testament, and labeling Him as a “god” with little mercy, full of severe judgments and punishments of peoples. Then, the tell us, this sweet Jeeesus came along 2000 years ago bringing us a new message of love and kindness, a new covenant etc., and it became time to dump that nasty “old testament” in favor of this jesus christ superstar -of love.
As most readers of TW probably know very well; we are to have an intimate Father and son / daughter relationship with the Father and an intimate brother / sister relationship with our elder Brother Yahshua HaMashiach. And to make it easy for us, we have these type relationship roles modeled for us in mature human families. It is a beautiful thing to observe – a human family full of love and intimacy and nurtured children, with mom and dad playing their proper roles. To me, this is a huge reason why God tells us that he hates divorce. (though NOT necessarily divorcees!)
I agree with you,Skip. Yahshua clearly told us to put first things first and direct our spiritual affections to our spiritual Father. And in that we are also keeping the Fifth Commandment at a deeper spiritual level too!

Scott Cole

I would have loved to be a little bird on the road to Emmaus to hear the Messiah’s story told in first person from the Tanakh.

Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures. (‭Luke‬ ‭24‬:‭27‬ NASB)

Now I get to do the same with His help.

They said to one another, “Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?” (‭Luke‬ ‭24‬:‭32‬ NASB)

I want my heart to burn.



I have some Jewish friends and acquaintances that I’d really like to refer to this site because I think they would be open to discussion about the daily teachings. One is a childhood friend who is very observant and involved in the Reform Movement. One is a campus rabbi, Modern Conservative, at my daughter’s university, and, check-this-out, he has encouraged the group of Jewish kids who meet weekly for Shabbat “not to reject Jesus, but to love him because he is our brother”. I think it must have been the first time any of those kids ever heard that. My daughter is learning alot, and she is answering some of their questions too. I love hearing about it each week. A few want to give Yeshua’s teachings a chance, but the way Christians insist upon a specific interpretation is a major hindrance. As many of you know, and will remember, there are lots of Christians on campus who are earnestly going about campus trying to save souls. By the way, the rabbi is especially interested in Yeshua’s teaching of the beatitudes. Skip, I’m going to give your book, ‘The Lucky Life’ to my daughter and ask that she pass it on to the rabbi.

I confess that I’m hesitating to provide the website to Jews. My reluctance is not about the hearty exchange of ideas, differing opinions, questions, ponderings, understandings, struggles, life experiences/personal stories, prayer needs and requests, debates, etc. What could be more Jewish, right? All are fantastic! Frankly, I would love to know if there are any practicing Jews out in TW reading land.

What is bothersome is when what seems obvious to some, and isn’t for others, that it can sometimes lean toward condescending. Nearly every person I encountered in the Messianic/Hebrew Roots Movement was dumbfounded that Jews just don’t see that Yeshua is Messiah, the Son of God, and God. Same with Christians. I thought the same thing for nearly 60 years. However, if we’d grown up as observant, practicing Jews, studying Hebrew and the Tanach, it is highly unlikely that we would readily grasp a “Jesus” revelation. Most of us were spoon fed Christian beliefs from birth. Shucks, I was baptized twice, once when in my mother’s womb, and again when I was 12. I digress. Sorry. In any event, my main disinclination is regarding pulpit sermons and hymns which only repeat what we heard or even taught all our years in church, and words to the songs we sang in the congregation, choirs, worship teams, etc. How does that help dialogue, especially when it seems most of us are grappling with years of indoctrination and are earnestly seeking to know YHVH’s ways, and separate Truth from what isn’t? And how does it welcome Jews into the dialogue? Or, maybe it doesn’t, and I should let it go.

I don’t suggest censoring the open forum and free speech, but maybe I’m asking for a little sensitivity about how off-putting dogmatic declarations of fact can be, using Scripture in ways we’ve now been taught have a differnt meaning, especially in direct contrast to something Skip has taught where he’s taken the time to study and show us a more correct understanding. Bring on the debates, for sure. It makes us all think and study more. But church doctrine……..please no.

This community is amazing and wonderful. There are many warm, caring hearts, and some incredibly scholarly minds too. Not saying you can’t have both : ) I am inspired daily and learn from this community. THANK YOU!!!! You are the only community I have as I can’t find others similarly situated on this journey, and geographically near, to share these things together.

Geez, hope I haven’t been a complete chick-lout in this comment.

MLH and Scott, I wholeheartedly agree with each of your comments, and I want my heart to burn too.

A Sincere Shabbat Shalom to All!


carl roberts

But What About You?

~ Who do you say that I AM? ~ (Mark 8.29)

~ for I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God ~
(Acts 20.27)

Should we not be thankful for the whole counsel of our Elohim? (Elohim?- is this not a “plural” word?) One God? – or three? Or Three-in-One? Is (or is not) God a plurality-in-unity? (And, as always)- ~ what do the scriptures say? ~

Thomas (the Doubter) blurted out- “My LORD and my God!” And Y’shua did not rebuke him! The word of God also reveals (how else are we to know about the Living Word- except through the written Word?- God and His Word are inseparable!) ~ and when they saw Him (Who was it “they” saw?)- they worshiped Him.. – but some doubted ~ (Matthew 28.17)

So. To which of these groups do we belong? Those who believe (He is- who He says He is) or those who doubt Him? Isn’t doubt the antithesis to faith?
Shouldn’t we also heed the admonition given to Thomas? ~ Be not faithless, but believing? ~ Shall we (or should we) belong to the community of believers who prostate themselves at His feet and worship HIm? Do not the scriptures also say – (Commandment #1!)- ~ You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart-soul-mind-and strength? ~

~ For you have need of patient-persevering-endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised. For in a very little while, He who is coming – will come, and will not delay! ~

Can anyone (please) identify “who” this might refer to? ~ He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and His Name is the Word of God! ~ (Revelation 19.13) Could this be anyone other than Y’shua HaMashiach, Son of God and Son of man and God the Son?

John walsh

I think that I can help you with the answer to your question re: “He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood….”
This verse is a piece of prophecy that links Messiah to Joseph the son of Jacob. The link Scripture is Genesis 37:31 which states: “Then they took Joseph’s robe and killed a goat, and dipped the robe in the blood;”
Explanation:When Messiah came to earth as the “Lamb of God” the first time 2000 years ago, He came from the lineage of Judah to qualify to receive the Scepter blessing that was given to Judah by his father Jacob. That is recorded in Genesis 49:8-12 where it says: “The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, UNTIL HE COMES TO WHOM IT BELONGS.” (Emphasis mine).
I think we all know that HE qualified to receive His Kingship when, after His resurrection, He presented Himself the the Father and was accepted by the Father on the Festival of Bikkurim. After that ceremony in heaven (and what a ceremony it must have been!!) He returned to earth and appeared to His apostles and others several times as the Gospels narratives show us. It is noteworthy that He said to the eleven at that point: “ALL authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” That was a WOW statement from Yahshua! He put the world on notice as to what was coming.
YET HE DID NOT ESTABLISH HIS KINGDOM AT THAT TIME. The Father has His Times and Seasons ffor everything.
It is also very important to note that the KINGDOM land inheritance blessing was NOT GIVEN TO JUDAH. (Though the modern State of Israel would prefer that we all did not know that! And they mostly get their wish for most people are completely ignorant about this prophetically significant information.) God had Jacob give the LAND inheritance blessing to his son Joseph and on to Joseph’s sons Ephraim and Manasseh. That lovely story is found in Genesis 48 and elsewhere.
So, it makes total sense that when Messiah comes to claim His Kingdom (the Kingdom that King Adam woefully disqualified himself from) He will come AS JOSEPH. And that is the answer to the mysterious statement in Revelation 19:13. You are absolutely correct, Carl. – as we look at the context, the verse can refer to nobody else except Yahshua HaMashiach – THE KING OF KINGS as He comes next time in the pattern of wonderful Joseph (Gen. 49:22-26) bringing fruitful blessings after fruitful blessings to planet earth for 1000 years of blissful joy and happiness and abundance for all humanity.

laurita hayes

Thank you, John. Wonderful clarification for me!


I’m confused. It has been my understanding that Yeshua came the first time as Messiah ben (son of) Joseph, the suffering servant, and that when he comes again, it will be as Messiah ben David, the conquering King. I admit that these terms are somewhat new to me, as they aren’t used in Christian circles. Am I understanding it correctly? It seems to be the opposite of your point.

John walsh

I appreciate your interest and question on this intriguing subject matter.
There is no contradiction at all from my expressed viewpoint and and your post (and Skip’s too) which has Messiah returning as the conquering KING.
For once, we are all correct which is always nicer than disagreeing! (Though I confess I love some oppositional debate too – as we frequently learn more from challenging one another’s opinions than having a love fest :-))
I notice that a few Messianic teachers sometimes mention that Messiah first came as the Lamb of God but on His second coming He will come as “The Lion of the tribe of Judah” (Rev. 5:5) Because of Messiah’s roles – past, present and future He merits many appropriate titles so let’s not be in a hurry to limit Him in any way.
That being said, you and Skip are referring to Messiah’ s Kingship which came through His tribe of Judah also King David blood line which is well documented by Matthew’s Gospel and a myriad of prophecies in the Tanakh. So,that was the Scepter , referred to by Jacob about Judah, in his prophetic pronunciation on each of his 12 sons found in Genesis 49. That is the easy part of this Biblical theme.
What I am referring to in my reference to Joseph is the KINGDOM not the King and that is why I confused you a little. God did NOT give the LAND inheritance to Judah. It is very clear in Scripture that God gave it to Jacob’s son Joseph, and on to his two sons Ephraim and Manasseh. In doing this, God set the foundation for a story that for sheer excitement blows Tolstoy’s War and Peace and Anna Karenina off the library book shelves.
The BIRTHRIGHT principle can be traced back to Adam. In its simplest elementary manifestation, it simply involved the eldest son inheriting the family farm! From the beginning, God also gave the eldest son the privilege of performing priestly functions. That was at play in the struggle between Esau and Jacob and is amazingly still pertinent in our time in modern state of Israel.
But I only have time to mention a foundational Scripture here. We might expect Reuben, Jacob’s eldest son to have the birthright responsibilities but because of his womanizing proclivities he was stripped:
“The sons of Reuben, the first born of Israel (for he was the first born, but because he defiled his father’s bed, his birthright was given to the sons of Joseph, the son of Israel; so that he is not enrolled in the genealogy according to the birthright; though Judah became strong among his brothers and a prince was from him, YET THE BIRTHRIGHT BELONGED TO JOSEPH)” (1Chron. 5:1-2)

Of course when Messiah comes, HE will reunite the King with the Kingdom.
But that will not be the end of the BIRTHRIGHT story. You and I can actually participate in the birthright too, as first fruits, when HE returns. (Rev.20:4) We have opportunity to rule with Messiah for 1000 years restoring planet earth. But if we are acting foolishly – behaving like Reuben :-(( then we delay receiving the inheritance and face judgment at the Great White Throne at end of Millennium.

Here are the reference books I promised:

All are written by Dr. Stephen E Jones and can be found on his website

You can read them for free on line or purchase copies

Questions – you can email me:

Even in our time this story is far from finished!
Do you want to know how it will end? I can’t resist sharing it with you and the stragglers reading the back pages of TW…
God’s ultimate birthright inheritance plan for all of humanity is “bringing many sons (and daughters) to glory”

I do not have time to get into it heres – way too long and complex, but I will give you and anyone reading the back pages of TW a small snippet and then give you my favorite reference source. Fair enough?
For every king there has to be a kingdom, right? ( Though sometimes they get overthrown and their kingdoms taken away. The birthright was from the beginning what was pas

Rob Bethune

God is our salvation because He declared there is no other name above the name of Jesus. Because He sent Jesus to be our savior. I see Jesus in all of the old testament. The old testament prophets looked ofrward to their salvation through Jesus. so the answer to your questions os Yes