Reading Without Vowels

Thus the Lord saved Israel that day from the hand of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the seashore.  Exodus 14:30  NASB Saved – A language without vowels is a language in a state of constant interpretation.  Every time it is read, vowels must be inserted.  That means every act of reading is a personal…

Reading Without Vowels

Thus the Lord saved Israel that day from the hand of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the seashore.  Exodus 14:30  NASB Saved – A language without vowels is a language in a state of constant interpretation.  Every time it is read, vowels must be inserted.  That means every act of reading is a personal…

The Jewish Messiah

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. John 14:6 NASB No one – The Greek is oudeis. It could hardly be stronger, or clearer. “Not even one, none, nobody, no one.” Or could it? Jonathan Sacks makes an interesting…

Proof of Life

and having brought them forth, said, “Sirs, what must I do — that I may be saved?”  Acts 16:30  Young’s Literal Translation Saved – How do you know you’re saved?  If you realize that the Hebraic/Jewish world of the apostolic writings does not adopt the Platonic separation of the material (earth) and the spiritual (heaven)…

Paul’s Laws

and after he brought them out, he said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”  Acts 16:30 NASB Saved – Virtually every evangelical believer knows this passage.  The Roman jailer is ready to kill himself  because an earthquake has opened the prison doors and he assumes that all the prisoners have escaped.  But Paul…

Only in Hebrew

Thus the LORD saved Israel that day from the hands of the Egyptians . . . Exodus 14:30  NASB Saved – If you’ve never asked yourself why God chose Hebrew as the language of His personal revelation, this verse should raise the question.  Oh, it seems so straightforward on the surface, but that’s because we…