
For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.   2 Timothy 1:7

DisciplineThis word (sophronismos) could be translated as sound mind, sound judgment or sobriety.  It comes from a Greek group of words meaning intellectually sound, rational without illusion, purposeful, prudent, modest, restrained and disciplined.  The word often indicates a basic attitude of life that leads to sober conduct.  Its antonym is “disorderly”. 

In this verse, the context denotes that God has given us an attitude of life that produces regulated living.  This is a tremendous promise for every one seeking calm.  God Himself has not left us alone with our hopeless struggling to keep vigilance over the chaos of our lives.  He gives us what we need – the power, love and regulation needed to maintain a life without the illusions of our addictive behaviors.  All addictive behavior, whether it is drinking or shopping, eating or sleeping, is addictive because it is our attempt to escape from the world.  It is the way we alter our moods so we don’t have to face the world as it is.  But God intends us to be completely able to live in the real world.  We don’t have to fear facing the world as it is.  God does not come to us with timid altruisms and weak platitudes.  He gives us power.  The power to stay sane, to hear the voice of reason and to act with discipline. 

God does not say, “OK, I forgive you.  Now go out there are be good.”  He knows we have all tried that hopeless self-delusion.  God says, “Rest in me.  Let me carry you through.  Take it easy.  Don’t sweat the small stuff.  I am in charge here.  You just follow along with me.”  Life with God is not about being “good”.  It is about being connected and open to Him.  He gives us the power to do what we need to do because we never had the power to do it from ourselves anyway.  God has great things in mind for you.  Just stay connected.   That will keep everything orderly, regulated and rational.


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How powerful, this word, for those of us whose personality is “naturally” tumultuous! Looking up this word this morning for that spark of meaning, and listening for God to speak, and finding unexpected comfort in this very word. I had always taken the “sound mind” definition to be “my” preferred meaning over the “self control” aspect, but here now I find what God is saying to me. And it’s good! Appreciate your study, as the Greek and the Hebrew is important to me. ?