
Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. Heb 10:35 

Confidence – From two Greek words meaning “all” and “speaking”, parresias means “freedom in the act of speaking”.  This word means that we have boldness and freedom to speak of our experience of faith.  Because God accepts us, we are invited to become citizens of His new kingdom – the kingdom of the redeemed.  Acknowledging our guilt and accepting God’s forgiveness means that our lives are no longer lived in fear.  We not longer need to be afraid to express our faith.  We can boldly proclaim that God has done something in our lives.  We can speak freely of His love poured out toward us. 

The letter to the Hebrews gives more content to this word.  In Hebrews, the word expresses the free access that we have to God because of the sacrificial death of Jesus.  Our greatest obstacle is overcome.  We are not longer separated from the One who is the author and finisher of each of us.  We can find our individual purpose in life.  We can have the joy and fulfillment that we were destined to have.  Why?  Because we can now enter into conversation and relationship with our Creator.  The walls of sin and the separation of guilt have been torn down.  Jesus’ death and resurrection allow us completely free access to God.  Not only are we free to speak the reality of faith acting in us, we are free to enter into God’s holy kingdom as fully accepted sons and daughters.  Therefore, says the writer, don’t throw away this priceless gift of access, given to you at great cost.  Use it and find great reward.  The divine lover of your soul is waiting to greet you today.  Be free.


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