
“Take my yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls”   Matthew 11:29

Rest – In Greek – anapuasis. A combination of two Greek words – ana ( prefix that means again) and pauo (a root word meaning to give rest).  This word means inward tranquillity while performing necessary labor.  The emphasis is on the inner life, not on the outward activity.  Synonyms are recovery of breath or a relaxing of chords or strings drawn too tight, a restful, natural sleep or an inner peace.  In this verse, Jesus’ promises the one thing that people in recovery seek most – inner peace.  Think of the times you have watched a child sleep.  There is an undisturbed tranquility in that rest – a peacefulness that comes from letting go of all cares and concerns.

We know the torment in our souls.  We know the constant turmoil of compulsion and white-knuckle struggle.  But here Jesus promises rest, the gentle rest of a sleep without nightmares, the rest of deep-seated serenity and calm.  He does not promise that the necessary labor will be removed.  He promises that we will be able to go about living with peace of mind and tranquil hearts.  It is an offer that sounds almost too good to be true.  But it is true.  Real spirituality leads us to peace of heart, tranquillity of mind.  We know that this is a gift because no matter how hard we tried to find it when the compulsions of life ruled over us, we never knew serenity.  What an unbelievable joy to know that our surrender will bring us rest, not struggle.  The pathway to serenity is not a Herculean fight but a gentle surrender.

In a world where everything is “too busy”, Jesus promises us a center of restful retreat.  How can he make this promise?  Because he knows that life is not in our hands but in the hands of his Father.  Relax.  God is in charge.

Topical Index: rest, anapuasis, Matthew 11:29

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