
“But even if I am being poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrifice and service of your faith” Philippians 2:17

Sacrifice – The Greek word thusia cannot be understood without the Hebrew background.  Sacrifice was an essential part of the worship of God in the Hebrew culture but it was not for God’s benefit.  It was for the benefit of Man.  God does not need sacrifice.  We do.

If you read the Old Testament law, you will quickly discover that the system of sacrifice had only one purpose – to demonstrate to men the seriousness of sin.  Sacrifice meant death.  Sometimes we think that all of this was to appease God’s anger, but that is a grave mistake.  God does not have to be appeased.  Christ’s voluntary offering has taken care of all divine debt.  Sacrifice is not appeasement.  It is a graphic picture of cost.  God wants us to see that reconciliation costs.  Grace is not free! It cost God His Son and it will cost us our lives.  If you are not willing to die to yourself, the price Jesus paid cannot be yours.

Paul understood this.  He knew that in order to follow in the footsteps of his Lord, his own life must become a sacrifice for others.  He was willing to pay the cost so that others might find grace.

In many Christian circles today I observe a very different phenomenon.  I see very few who are willing to stand up with Paul and pour out their lives for the sake of others.  This is not a “sometimes” or “when I feel like it” sacrifice.  This is a commitment to actually do what Jesus commanded – “Love one another as I have loved you.”  Most of us have never experienced that kind of love because we have opted for protection of self instead of giving ourselves away.  We live under the unholy motto “if I don’t take care of myself no one else will.”  Sacrifice begins with me.  I must voluntarily place myself on the altar and allow God to raise the knife over me.  The measure of my acceptance of grace is found in my willingness to pour myself out at the cost of self-protection.  There is no love without a price.  Have you counted the cost in your life?

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