
“For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal and it will not fail.   Though it tarries, wait for it;” Habakkuk 2:3

Hastens – The marathon runner has turned the last corner.  He knows that goal is within grasp.  Each moment brings that objective closer and closer.  And as he runs, he concentrates on breathing.  He can feel the pounding on the road and the throbbing of the muscles.  His breath is an engine, puffing toward the finish line.  He will not fail.

It’s not over yet!  This verb is in the imperfect tense.  It describes an incomplete action.  Things are happening but they are not finished.  There is more to come.  The verb is puach.  What is most interesting about this verb is that it describes breathing or wind.

God’s purposes in life are like that marathon runner.  They have an appointed destiny waiting to be fulfilled.  Victory is inevitable.  The only question is the pace of the marathon.  That pace is measured by the ferocity of the breath.  God tells His prophet Habakkuk that the appointed time of this purpose is moving swiftly toward completion.  The breath is hot and heavy.  The rhythm is accelerating.  It will be a sprint to the finish.  So wait!  It is not over yet.  But very soon, now, very soon.

When life turned me upside down, God had to lift me from my fall and put me back on the track.  My whole body hurt from the crushing blow, but He said, “Start running again.”  And steps turned into jogs and jogs into runs.  Now God says, “Get ready for the sprints.”  The appointed end is coming.  The vision that He had all along will soon be revealed.  Get ready for the sprints.

God’s purposes are never in a hurry, but they are never late.  They arrive at exactly the speed needed to fully complete the mission and accomplish their goals.  We are never asked to lead the race, only to keep up with the pace He sets.  “Breathe”, says God.  “Keep pace with my purposes and you will not fail.”

Today’s Exercise:  When life gets in a hurry today, I will remember one thing – breathe at God’s pace, not mine.

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