
“The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain.” Proverbs 31:11

Trusts – Here is the best Valentine’s Day gift you could ever give (and you are getting it one day in advance so that you will know what to do tomorrow).   But there is a lot more to this word than you think.

Every good husband wants to say, “Of course I trust my wife.”   Amazingly, she may not feel quite the same way.  She may remind us when we question her decisions or ask where she’s been all day.  She may mention when we pushed aside her suggestion or demanded to know why she wrote a check for that!  We men seem to have a rather flexible definition of “trust”.  It bends to our own liking.

But God’s view is not so flexible.  That is the point behind this word.  The word here is batach.  This is the only place in the entire Bible where this word is used to describe any other relationship except our relationship to God.  That says something very important.  It says that I am to trust my wife in the same way that I trust God.  She is God’s gift to me.

The next time God makes a suggestion about correcting your behavior, tell Him to mind his own business.  When He asks if you are spending enough time with Him, say that you are really busy right now.  If He reminds you that your love for Him means commitment and care, tell Him that you always tithe and that should be enough.  You get the idea.  Would you ever think of treating God the way that you treat your wife?  Do you have two definitions for trust – one for God and the other for her?  Maybe God chose this word to wake us up.  Only once.  Only one time is this word used about human relationships.  That’s enough for me to pay attention.

Do you really trust your wife?  Or do you have another definition in mind?

Today’s One Time Action:  It’s not too late.  Share this with her right now.

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