
“until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.”  Ephesians 4:13

Attain – What do you want to be when you grow up?  When you ask a child this question, most times the answer is immediate.  Children absolutely know what they want to be.  The answers might make us chuckle, but the instant awareness and intensity should make us cry.  Why?  Because so often we don’t know the answer to this simple question after years and years of practice.  This childhood question needs to be asked again.  Only this time we need to ask it in light of Paul’s insight.

“Until we all attain.”  There is so much in this phrase.  “Until” is a word about the end of the line.  It does not focus our attention on the process of getting there.  It focuses on the final goal.  Did you notice that Paul includes all of us?  This is the ultimate answer to every “What do you want to be” question.  God’s answer.  Katantao is the verb for “attain”.  It comes from two words meaning “from” and “to meet”.  It also focuses on the end of the line.  To arrive at a particular place.  According to Paul, the answer to the question about what we want to be is not about process.  It is about destination.  It’s about the last stop where we will meet the Master.

Is your life focused on the last stop?  Do you have that inner awareness that God is directing your journey toward the end of the line where you will meet Jesus?  If you really want to know what you will be when you grow up, you must look ahead to the end of the line and see if you fit into the scenery there.  It’s so easy to think that the intermissions in life are the end.  But there is only one end in God’s mind. 

Today as you travel toward the last stop, you might consider the baggage you are carrying on this trip.  Jesus once remarked to a woman carrying quite a bit of baggage that she was concerned about many things, but “only a few are important, really only one”.  That’s very good advice.  When you grow up, what one thing will you be carrying at the end of the line?

Today:  “Lord, my prayer today is so simple, but so important.  Help me be ready for the last stop.”

(to be continued)


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