
“Yes, Lord; but even the dogs feed on the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table.”  Matthew 15:27

Dogs – Where are you on the priority list?  That’s the real thought behind this statement.  The story about this woman seems so odd.  Jesus appears to be callous toward her plight.  It looks as though he turns a deaf ear.  He even seems insulting when he suggests that it is not proper to take care of her needs before he takes care of the needs of the house of Israel.  This is not the character of Jesus we wish to see. 

But maybe we are overlooking the context.  Jesus is actually teaching his disciples something about the real house of Israel.    When this woman comes to Jesus, making too much noise to be ignored, Jesus uses her situation to teach something incredibly important about priority.  The disciples wanted Jesus to send her away.  She made them uncomfortable.  This woman did not have the right lineage.  In fact, she didn’t even have a country.  She was a refugee.  And as a refugee, she was excluded from protection and care by society.   She was annoying, a female, an outcast and not in the right bloodline.  What could she expect from the God of Israel?

Jesus’ reply must have received the nod of approval from his good Jewish disciples.  “It’s not right to take the children’s food and give it to the dogs.”  Yes, Jesus.  That’s right.  God is not for her.  He’s our God.  But the word “dogs” is really a word for puppies”.  It is kunariois.   There is affection in this word.  These are the little puppies that are allowed in the room with the children because they are loved too.  They are fed, but only after the children are fed.  It is not a matter of exclusion.  It is a matter of priority.  First the children, then the puppies.  The disciples wanted to get rid of her.  Jesus opened the door to let her in.  And she understood the opening. “Even the puppies feed on crumbs”. 

I am not worthy to sit at the table, Lord.  But I am still under Your care.  I am still loved.  Today I need a crumb.  I know that I am not the first priority.  I would not dare to presume such a thing.  You are the Lord of the universe.  And I worship You as Lord.  But I am in need of a crumb, Lord.  I don’t ask for more.  I do not expect more.  But if You are willing, just let a crumb fall from Your table and it will be enough for me today.

Today I stand with the Canaanite woman.  Do you? Are you willing to not be the first priority today?


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