Perfect peace

“The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, because he trusts in You”  Isaiah 26:3

Perfect peace – A double whammy!  Twice as much!  The big double scoop.  If you want perfect peace, Isaiah gives you all you can handle by repeating the same Hebrew word twice – shalom shalom.  The peace of peace.  Now this is as good as it gets!

Anyone who has encountered modern Judaism knows this word.  Shalom!  It is the common daily greeting, equivalent to our “How are you?” or “Have a nice day”.   The best part about this greeting is that it implies favor and blessing, especially when we realize that real peace comes from God.  How much better it is to wish someone God’s peace than to send them a smiley face.  God’s peace lasts!  This expression reveals a genuine desire for the well-being of another.  It says, “I want you to enjoy God’s favor”.  Now you have some clue why Paul often opened and closed his letters with a similar thought.

But too many times our lives are more like the Beatles, “Give you everything I’ve got for a little peace of mind.”  We just can’t find that double scoop goodness.  We end up in a Jack Nicholson movie saying, “Maybe this is as good as it gets.”  Isaiah gives us the secret to double scoop peace.  It is all a matter of trust.  The man or woman who steadfastly fixes the mind on God will experience doubled-up peace because he or she knows God.  I didn’t say, “knows how to trust God”.  I said, “knows God.”  Trust is not something I can manufacturer or buy.  Trust comes from a long time knowing. 

I have known my friend Leigh for more than 40 years.  We have been through every kind of crisis, from childhood to maturity (I won’t say “senior citizen” yet).  I trust Leigh.  Why?  Because I have a long history with him.  I know that he cares about me, regardless of my circumstances.  And I care about him.  Trust is not found in legal contracts or agreements.  Trust is found in relationships.  If you don’t know God, you just can’t find the double scoop good stuff.  It takes time.

Don’t despair if you haven’t had the benefit of forty or fifty years with God.  He doesn’t withhold His care, waiting for you to grow into a trusting relationship.  He is as available as you let Him be.  The hesitation is on your side of the equation, not His.

So, would you like twice as much?   Peace peace.  That’s what I want.

Today:  I will give God double and look for double in return.  It doesn’t matter what I give, even if it is my sorrow and frustration.  I’ll just give Him twice as much because He is willing to take it.


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