
“The one who says, “I have come to know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.”  1 John 2:4

Liar – Human beings are masters of excuses.  There is always some reason why we can’t follow the rules.  Imagine the sight of flashing blue lights in your rear view mirror and you will instantly understand the temptation for excuses.  It often seems that the only real moral rule these days is “Don’t get caught.” 

John’s instruction on this subject is point-blank.   If you pretend to follow the policies set down by Jesus but your real actions don’t show the results, you’re a liar.  It couldn’t get any clearer than that!   John’s word is pseustes, the word for false (pseudo).  Don’t claim to be living by the Book if you’re not. 

Would you ever think of flying an airplane without reading the flight manuals?  Or driving a car without understanding the traffic rules?  Would you sell your company without understanding the tax laws?  Would you operate a manufacturing plant without bothering about environmental compliance?  Of course not.  The rules and regulations make it possible to do all these things without chaos and harm.  That’s God’s point too.  His rules and regulations are there for your safety and benefit.  If you break them, bad things will happen to you and others.  So, why pretend?  Don’t spout the Christian point of view if you can’t back it up with your life!

The best part about this verse is not its accusation.  The best part is its application.  It’s designed to point us to those places where we don’t live by the Book and help us change.  John is not interested in condemning us.  He is interested in restoring us.  If you and I find that reading this verse brings shame, the solution is simple:  Stop pretending and start confessing.  

The blue lights in my rear view mirror remind me to confess my ways.  “Officer, I’m sorry.  I know that I was speeding.” 

“God, I’m sorry.  I know that I wasn’t doing what You wanted.”  Correct me, Lord.  I don’t want to live a lie.


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