
“He restores my soul”  Psalm 23:3

Soul – David was just out of touch.  If he really knew about restoring, he would have grabbed a Powerade or an energy bar.  He might have taken extra multi-vitamins or gone to the doctor to get a prescription for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  But David was stubborn.  He believed that God was the only source of restoration.

When David wrote this Psalm, he had more in mind than “spiritual” renewal.  The words literally say, “He causes my nephesh to return.”  Hebrew often uses the word nephesh (usually translated “soul” or “spirit”) for the whole person – body and soul.  David realizes that it is God who brings renewal and restoration to life.  God returns both physical and spiritual well-being. 

Now that we see David is talking about the whole person, notice the verb he uses.  God causes my life to return.  If it is returned, where did it go?  The answer to that question is found in all the actions of life that use us up.  Little by little, the road less traveled dissipates our vitality.  Often we don’t notice how tired we really are until we stop doing things.  That’s when we recognize that we need a return to well-being.  We don’t need a shot of spiritual energy.  We need an extreme makeover.  And God is quite capable of returning what we lost.  God is the expert life-giver.  Our problem is that we didn’t notice God holding out that cup of restoration while we were so busy running.  Restoration requires planned intervals.

If you feel like you’re in a marathon, you might consider your need for regular restoration along the way.  Without it, damage is inevitable.  God is able to return your whole person to vitality if you take what He offers.  He’s right there, holding out the cup.  Don’t pass by without taking it.   Planned restoration is the only way to finish the race alive.




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