
“Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life.”  John 6:68

Go – Two sides of the same coin.  One side is Peter who says, “Where else can we go?”  The other side is Judas who “went off to the chief priests to betray him”  (Mark 14:10).  The same word with two completely different implications.  Unless we embrace the full meaning of Peter’s use of aperchomai, we will end up with Judas’ use. 

Jesus puts the question to every disciple.  “Will you continue on this road with me?”  He expects a positive reply.  He is prepared to do whatever He can to bring about that positive reply.  But the use of this Greek word for “go” is finally up to me.  I will have to decide if I am going His direction or if I am going secretly toward His betrayal.

We are repulsed by the thought of Judas.  How could anyone betray Jesus?  How could anyone turn over the Son of God to those who would harm him purely for selfish motives?  But we need to be very careful.  Peter expressed his burning desire to follow Jesus – until he faced personal humiliation and possible torture.  Then he took the Judas road.  I have done the same.  I know that road, the one that says, “Jesus, I can’t follow you any further.  What you ask of me is too much.  I have myself to think about.”  Betrayal is not always rewarded with thirty pieces of silver.  Sometimes the reward is peer acceptance or conflict avoidance, secrets not told or reputation in tact.  Sometimes it is so small that we easily say, “Well, it wasn’t a big deal.”  True, it was only enough to divert your faithfulness. 

Jesus, if I don’t go to you for the words of Life, I will find them no other place. 

Is that how you live today?  Are you convinced that only He has the words of Life?  Are your actions motivated and governed by His words?  Even Peter discovered that the Judas road lies close at hand.  Just on the other side of the coin.  God, help us.

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