
“Have I not sent you?”  Judges 6:14

Sent – Who sent you?  That’s the question, isn’t it?  You get ready to take on the world.  You set your course on achieving some goal.  But before you take the first step, you better be able to answer the question, “Who sent you?”

Gideon knew his history.  He complained to the Angel of the Lord, “Where are all these promises of miracles of deliverance?  What happened to the God who rescued His people from Egypt?”  God answered him with a single question.  “Haven’t I sent you?”  If God sends you, do you think there is anything about the plan that can’t be accomplished?  And if God hasn’t sent you, do you really think that what you plan will make any difference?

“Who sent you?”

Shalah is the word for sending.  Sent, send away, send forth, commission, put forth, send out.  It’s the word for a mission from God.  Deliberate.  Purposeful.  Is that the way you would describe your mission?

“Who sent you?”

Whose standard do you bear?  Whose seal of approval?  Whose authority stands behind your direction?  God answered Gideon with a question that expects a certain response.  If God sends you, what’s the problem?  Is He not capable of accomplishing what He intends to do through you? 

“Who sent you?”  It’s the first question to answer.  It can’t be overlooked or avoided or ignored.  If you don’t hear the reply that Gideon got, better stop – right now!  Is there any point in going forward if you don’t know that God sent you?


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