
“The LORD lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace.”  Numbers 6:26

Peace – Why look at this word again?  We already know that it is shalom, the common greeting among Jews.  We already know that it carries the sense of “well-being”.  We already know that it is used more than 250 times in Scripture and that it is one of the most important words of the Old Testament.  Why spent time looking at it again?

Perhaps the best answer is this:  if you want the kind of life that God gives, shalom will become the dominating character of your existence.

Shalom is not simply the absence of conflict.  It is rather the presence of perfect harmony between you, God, others and the world.  It is the summary term for a life that has knocked down all the fences that keep men and women apart.  It is the summary term of tearing down the barriers that separate us from God.  It is the word for a world with a level playing field.  It’s the picture of enemies embracing each other.  It’s the end of the war, the triumph of grace, the kingdom of right relationships.

And it is only found in the gift of God.

Don’t be confused.  Shalom does imply that God’s intention is your complete, fulfilled well-being.  But it won’t happen without Him.  Shalom is the result of God’s promise fulfilled in your life and mine.  If you want the truly blessed life that God has in mind, you must allow shalom to reign in all your relationships.  To do that, you will need God’s reign on the inside.  Jesus came to be the Prince of Peace.  He is shalom incarnate.  Are you ready to be like him?

Today’s Action:  “God, I want peace.  Help me tear down the fences in my life so that the Prince of Peace reigns over me.  Point out the first fence to dismantle right now.”

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