
“But no one can enter the strong man’s house and plunder his property unless he first binds the strong man, and then he will plunder his house.”  Mark 3:27

Plunder – What was Jesus’ perspective on the power structure of this world?  It’s a question worth asking.  If Jesus is God, then how He views the powerful in this world is very important.  His view is the right view, no matter what might seem to be the case.  So, does Jesus think of the power of this world in the same way that you do?

In this passage, Jesus clearly recognizes that strength and power of the man who owns the house.  He has just confronted demons.  He acknowledges that unless you bind up the strength that controls this house, you won’t make much progress is trying to take what he holds claim over.  But, of course, if you can bind the strong man, then you are free to plunder his possessions.  It’s a violent game.  Jesus chooses violent words to describe this action.  But He knows perfectly well that this kind of violence is not only needed, it is what He came to do.

“Plunder” is the Greek word diarpazo.  It comes from a verb (harpazo) that means, “to seize with force, to rob”.  The addition of dia adds intensity to this verb.  It isn’t just robbing someone.  It is robbing them in broad daylight with a .357 magnum.  It’s violently tying up the bodyguard and taking everything in the house.  Jesus says that he came to rob Satan of everything that Satan held under his power.  In order to do that, Jesus bound Satan hand and foot.  Then He took back all that Satan controlled.

If you thought that Jesus was meek and mild, you better take another look at the world from His point of view.  His mission was to end a war by force.  He was out to chain up the Devil forever.  Jesus says that Satan has no right to claim what God created.  But to take it back requires violent actions.  Jesus might have voluntarily gone to the cross without complaint, but He didn’t go with a whimper.  The path to Golgotha was a victory march that put an end to Satan’s reign.

What’s your point of view?  Are you following the Conqueror or are you acting like a prisoner?  Is your world being reclaimed for God or are you still afraid of the strong man?



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