
“The LORD make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you;”  Numbers 6:25

Shine – The first command of God involved the same root word.  The first event of every day contains the same idea.  The most essential factor in all life on this planet is wrapped up in this concept.  It’s all about light (Hebrew or).  God says that His light, His face, will light you.  “Shine” is a word connected with the idea of “flame”, the human source of light in the days of Moses.  But this word recalls the first light of the day, the power of the sun and finally, the light of God Himself.  God bathes you in His radiance.  He commands Himself to do this constantly.

How do you feel knowing that God is continuously washing you in His light?  Does it make you feel warm, comforted, secure?  Or does it make you feel like running for cover?  Do you remember what John said about the Light?  “God is light” (1 John 1:5) and “The light shines in the darkness” (John 1:5).   God has always been about plain sight life.  His mysteries are hidden only from those who do not walk in His light.  God’s light shows what is really the case.

Now you see that this is a great blessing and a great responsibility.  God pours His light on you.  He promises to do so every moment.  You are never under a dark cloud with Him.  But, of course, that means that all of your actions are revealed in His bright luminescence.  You can’t hide a thing.  You are responsible for living your life in full daylight.  He shines on you so that you can shine for Him.

Go stand in the sunlight.  Feel that warm, comforting glow on your face.  God put it there to remind you of His gentle, consistent care.  You were designed to live in the light:  His light.  Let His face shine on your soul too.  It might be scary to bring light into all those dark corners, but the result will be comfort, joy and peace.  Light heals.  That was God’s first order of business.  Bring light into chaos and produce peace.  He does the same thing today.

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