
“A man can receive nothing, unless it has been given from heaven.”  John 3:27

Given – Most of us have long forgotten our eighth grade grammar lessons.  Usually this makes no difference at all.  But once in awhile, a small grammatical fact means a lot.  Did you know that the tiny bit of grammar here implies some amazing things about God’s handiwork in our lives?  It tells us that God:

  1. keeps on giving
  2. started giving long ago in the past
  3. gives in a way that continues to affect us in the present
  4. makes His gifts specifically personal

The Greek verb is didomenon.  It is a participle in the perfect passive tense.  That means it something of special interest to the subject done in the past that affects the present. That subject is you.  John tells us that God has been giving everything about life to every specific man or woman for a very long time and that His gifts have effects that continue to this very moment.  God is a cheerful giver.

For one moment, consider the events, possessions and situations of your life as a long series of divine gifts.  Each one producing long-term results.  Some for enjoyment.  Some for correction.  Some for direction.  Some for reflection.  Nothing gone to waste.  God is directing you toward His hoped for end with every new gift.

Of course, you are free to throw away His presents.  He doesn’t stop giving.  He just changes the kind of gift to help you see what you need to see, to find the right way as easily as possible.  The more gifts we cast aside, the harder it is to acknowledge the next one.  We make ourselves numb to His grace and provision.  But still, He doesn’t stop giving.

Have you thanked Him for all those gifts He has given you over years and years?  Gifts that were meant to have long term consequences specifically designed just for you?  Perhaps we need to discover that life begins with thanksgiving.


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