
“And then I will declare to them, “I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS””  Matthew 7:23

Lawlessness – Jesus quotes Psalm 6:8.  If we want to know what he means, we need to look into the Hebrew word ‘awen.  The reason that we have “lawlessness” in this verse comes from the Greek word anomian.  You will see “antinomian” here: what is against the law.  But the Hebrew word has a richer background.

In the thought of Psalms, ‘awen captures two elements of the wicked.  The first is the idea of trouble.  Not trouble like trials and difficulties that we encounter in living.  This kind of trouble is the trouble that comes from evil choices (see Job 34:36).  It is the deliberate step away from the path of righteousness, the little misdirection that sends us on the way toward evil consequences.  Those who practice stepping off the path are never going to be welcomed by Jesus.   They can expect trouble.

The second element in ‘awen is the movement from deception toward idolatry (see Isaiah 66:3).  For example, if I practice lying, I am an idolater.  I hold up a false god of truth, and the God of Truth does not look favorably on such things. 

Some scholars believe that the use of ‘awen in this verse from the Psalms describes those who practiced magical rites.  They would have invoked the power of God (a lie) with the intention of doing evil (trouble).

But here’s the shocking revelation.  Jesus uses this word to describe those who come to him extolling their virtues by claiming to do works in His name.  Jesus says that these people were on the pathway of trouble and idolatry.  How many “christian” messengers are guilty of this indictment?  They have preached a gospel of lies, a gospel that perpetuates the glory of men, the success of human enterprise and the employment of power instead of God’s message of grace. 

Here is strong warning from the Lord.  What did Paul say?  Do not be deceived.  God is not mocked.  What a man sows, that he will also reap.

When we step, we step carefully.  God’s grace is a solid as a rock and as fragile as a flower.  God will not share His glory.  Let us not presume that He will.

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