
“Therefore, if the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.”  John 8:36

Indeed – This word describes a quality of freedom.  It shows us that this freedom, the freedom given by the Son, is the freedom to be.  What does that mean?  Let me give you one example and you will immediately see just how incredibly powerful this is. 

Almost two years ago my wife and I were victims of an enormous financial fraud.  We still have not recovered.  But today I realized that I am living my life as though my financial recovery is my burden to bear.  I have operated under the false belief that I am fully responsible for getting back to normal.  As a result of this false belief, I let financial pressures dictate choices in my life.  What avenues I try to explore.  Who I try to meet.  What I attempt to accomplish.  Where I spend my time.  The truth is this: I am not free.  I have not clearly understood that the God of the universe is on my side, with me every step of the way, asking only that I be obedient to Him.  I have acted as though my efforts are all that counts.  Today I asked myself the question, “If I had everything back, would it change how I act?”  Then I realized that insofar as I have let these pressures alter my decisions, I have denied that God is truly in charge of my life.  I have not lived on the basis of an unshakeable trust in Him.  And I am not free to be exactly what He wants.

What deception convinced me that I needed to worry about recovery when the God who created me and everything around me is asking me only to trust Him?  Where did I get so far off track that I forgot who He is and started thinking it was up to me?  I built a prison and chained myself in it.  If I want to be really free, I need to live entirely on the conviction that God really is in charge and that He is GOD!  I am called to be really free.  Free of my doubts.  Free of my fears.  Free to be exactly what He asks and nothing more.  Free to be fully His.  Free to be nothing so that He can make me into anything He wants.  That is free indeed!

Examine your actions today.  Where are you imprisoned by believing it is up to you?  How would your life change if that one thing that you are struggling to overcome were suddenly resolved?  Is that conflict binding you to a life that is not free to be everything He calls you to be?  If it is, then why do you let it fetter you?  Jesus came to set us free indeed.  The real chains are attached to our souls, numbing us to the will of the Father.  Shout it out with me!  I have GOD ALMIGHTY on my side!  Nothing can bind me.  I am FREE TO BE!


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