Strive together

“Now I urge you, brethren, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit to strive together with me in your prayers for me,” Romans 15:30

Strive together – There is an English cognate in this Greek word that you need to know.  As soon as you see it, you will understand the intensity of Paul’s statement.  That word is agony (the Greek is sunagonizomai).  Paul adds the prefix sun for the meaning “together”.

Agonizing together.  This is not the way we usually think of prayer.  We have that orderly, calm, controlled, not too unpleasant view of prayer where we all bow our heads and fold our hands and say the proper words (the ones we probably learned as children).  Our view of prayer hardly ever includes ideas like agony or shouting, tears or trauma.  Heaven forbid that someone on Sunday should actually break down in prayer and weep and wail before the Lord.  We would probably shutter with embarrassment.

What has happened to us?  When did our behavior before God become so religiously correct, so passively civilized?   Have we forgotten about David?  Read the Psalms.  See his emotion poured out before the Lord.  Despair.  Anger.  Sorrow.  Remorse. Exuberance.  Laughter.   David agonized in prayer.  But so did Jesus.  Do you remember his emotions in the garden?  “Father, if this cup could only pass from me.”  This is agony, a peek into the heart of God broken over the sin of the world.  What lies ahead is the most hideous event that could ever be imagined.  Separation from his Father.

Now Paul comes to his brothers and sisters in Christ and he says, “Agonize with me in prayer.”  Let go of your ritual inhibitions and express the heart of God, weeping for a world lost in the dark.

“Father, let us pray with Your heart.  Strip away those “proper” expectations and allow Your Spirit to speak to You with the emotions Your Son felt as he agonized over us.  Lord, teach us to pray.”

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