
“By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.” Hebrews 11:3

Word – What is the most powerful force in the universe?  If you were to ask a scientist, you might get an answer that involved quantum physics.  If you were to ask a new mother, you might hear the word “love” in the equation.  But if you consult the Bible, you discover in the very first sentence that the most powerful force in the universe is the same force that created the universe – the spoken word of God.

There are two Greek words that are translated as “word”.  Logos usually means “written word”.  This is the Greek word used in the gospel of John to describe the Christ (“In the beginning was the Word”).  But here the Greek is rhema.  It means a word that is voiced.  God speaks the world into existence.  That is power!  The author of Hebrews doesn’t want us to miss the point.  God did not take some stuff that was lying around and construct the world from it.  No, God created everything by simply speaking.

In the Old Testament we see this same theme when God comes to the prophets.  Remember all those passages that say, “And the word of the Lord came to”?  God’s voice brought the message about what He would bring into existence in history.

What about today?  Does God speak to us today?  Our first reaction is to say, “Yes, God speaks to us through His word”.  But that idea uses the word logos.  We hear God from the written word by reading what someone else recorded.  This is a powerful and essential source of knowing God.  But does God speak in other ways?  Many years ago a stranger walked up to me while I was working.  Out of the blue he suddenly said, “You think you’re so educated and right.  You’re arrogance is an affront to God.”  Before I had time to react, he turned the corner of the building and disappeared.  I never saw him again.  God spoke to me.  It took a long time for me to agree with Him, but I heard His voice in the mouth of a human messenger.

If God can speak the world into existence, do you doubt that He can use whatever vehicle He deems necessary to speak to you?  Have you been in prayer and suddenly discovered a thought or inner voice prodding you toward some decision?  Have you heard God’s words to you in the mouth of another believer or a complete stranger?  Have you actually heard God audibly speak to you?  Do you want Him to?

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