
And in the morning, a great while before day, he rose and went out” Mark 1:35

Rose – We are quite familiar with the fact that Jesus prayed early in the morning.  Actually, this verse suggests that he began praying while it was still dark before the sun breached the horizon.  But have you ever asked yourself, “What made Jesus wake up?”  It certainly wasn’t an alarm clock.  And since the verse tells us that Jesus was already praying before the sun came up, we know that he did not awaken with the first light of dawn.  Time after time Jesus was up before anyone else, praying to his Father.  What do you think made him wake up so early?  My guess is that the Father woke him.

Jesus practiced full dependence.  He was the true Israel.  He learned obedience to his earthly father and his heavenly Father.  I am sure that Joseph had a hand in waking Jesus for many years.  But I am just a confidant that the Father continued to wake him and call him to prayer day after day.  The Greek word gives us the proper picture.  It means, “to stand again”.  The Father whispered to Jesus, “It’s time to stand again.”

This verse introduces us to the daily orientation of a Christian.  When we stand again, we take up the cross for one more day.  We renew our submission to God’s authority and we align ourselves to His purposes for the new day.  Of course, if we choose to stand again but don’t seek direction, we are more than likely to follow a wandering path.  Jesus knew that waking meant prayer.

Have you noticed this silent alarm clock in your life?  Do you often just wake up while it is still dark, before the clock sounds or the smell of coffee fills the air?  Consider it God’s whisper.  He is reminding you that before anything else the day begins with Him.  While it is still dark and the rest of the world sleeps, you have been called to seek His face in prayer.  God is waking you in order that you can stand again with Him.

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