Authority By Inspiration

“for He was teaching them as one having authority, and not as their scribes” Matthew 7:29

Authority By Inspiration

Authority – Jesus was a remarkable teacher.  He did not merely communicate information.  When you sat under his tutelage, you learned more than percepts and propositions.  You became witnesses of calling.  When Jesus taught, his words placed a compelling demand on your life, a demand that brought you to recognize something beyond yourself.  You felt the hand of God pressing you.

Notice that Luke Matthew contrasts the teaching of Jesus with the efforts of the scribes.  This is instructive.  The scribes were experts in the Scriptures.  They memorized huge portions of God’s Word.  They knew all the nuances, all the details, all the peculiarities.  But they didn’t have anything to say.  They instructed dead orthodoxy.  They could tell you every one of the rules, but they could not communicate life to you.

Do you see that Matthew says Jesus taught “as one having authority”.  Jesus did not reiterate old information.  Jesus’ words convicted and compelled.  Jesus’ words moved me to action or tears or agony or charity.  I could not hear from Him and simply check off my obligation to attend.  I could not go away without being changed.  Why?  Because exousia (authority) spoke to me of what I ought to do, what I must do.  Jesus’ authority drew out of me a desire to change my life.

When you attend your church service or your Bible study, what do you hear?  Do you hear words that convict, compel and complete your desire to be like Him?  Or do you hear the old orthodoxy, stale and lifeless?  When you walk away are you electrified about change or are you just anxious to get back to “normal” living?

“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear”.  This old proverb tells us exactly what’s missing if we are listening to words that sound like the scribes.  The Word of God has authority only when we are ready to hear its call and obey.  Do you want the Bible to come alive for you?  Embrace authority.  Don’t listen to the scribes in your life.  Listen to the King!

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