Money Rules

“The law of Your mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces” Psalm 119:72

Money Rules

Better – Why is God’s word better than vast amounts of money?  More importantly, why is it personally better, better to me?  Aren’t we often confronted with the challenge that religious fervor may be good for the soul but it won’t put bread on the table?  Haven’t we often prayed for help only to face continued dissipation?  How can God’s word be better than a big bank account?  After all, even Proverbs says that riches protect the wealthy from life’s tragedies (Proverbs 10:15).

We can understand David’s perspective better if we think about the full range on meaning for this particular Hebrew word, tov.  It covers what is good, what is pleasing, what is morally correct, what is practically efficient and useful, what is convenient and what is profitable.  David sees that God’s word encompasses the full range of human need, far more than simply financial security.  David might answer those haunting questions with some of his own.

What good is wealth when you are terminally ill?  Who provides you with life?

What good is wealth if you suffer the death of your children or spouse?  Who gave you those relationships?

What good is wealth if you are constantly worried about keeping it?  Who is your real security?

What good is wealth if it controls your decisions?  Who gives you true freedom?

What good is wealth if it binds you to restricting responsibilities?  Who grants you liberty?

What good is wealth if the next generation destroys it?  Who guarantees your inheritance?

Wealth is a powerful god of this world.  With it twin, Time, it dominates our perceptions of reality.  But the Psalmist asks us to raise our eyes above the horizon.  Peter and John understood.  “Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have, I give to you” (Acts 3:6).  The man who stood up understood too.  Some very important things money just can’t buy.  If that’s true, then why are we chasing it so intently?

What would your life be like if you put the same amount of energy into obeying God’s word?

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That last sentence, Wow! I just took a lower paying job to switch career fields and I’m worried about my finances, this a good reminder