Divine Conspiracy

“Babylon has been a golden cup in the hand of the LORD, intoxicating all the earth.  The nations have drunk of her wine; therefore the nations are going mad.” Jeremiah 51:7

Divine Conspiracy

Hand –Do you like conspiracy theories?  Everyone seems to resonate at some level with the idea that there are secret, powerful figures behind the events of history.  Of course, we all know (or hope) that this is fiction.  In our more rational moments, we realize that no one has enough power and intellect to be able to control millions of lives in order to bring about some hidden purpose.  And of course, we are quite wrong!  The Bible is very clear on this.  History is a conspiracy.  God’s hand is behind all of it, moving the course of every human life in a direction that He desires.

No better example of the divine conspiracy can be found than this verse in Jeremiah.  Do you see that the wicked nation of Babylon is completely under the command of the Lord?  Babylon had no idea that it was playing a role in God’s conspiracy.  Babylon thought it had its own agenda.  But God was using Babylon for other purposes.  The Hebrew word, yad, makes it clear.  Power, strength and authority belong to God and He does what He wishes with even great nations.

Look carefully at God’s purpose for Babylon.  God used Babylon to make the world drunk.  Babylon, the most powerful nation of that time, was a golden cup in God’s hand.  This should give us pause.  A golden cup means that Babylon was immensely attractive to the rest of the world.  Babylon had something that other nations wanted so desperately that they could not get enough of it.  But what they didn’t realize is that God used this attraction in order to intoxicate the world.  God took what the world thought was most desirable and turned it into drunken stupor.

If God can do this with Babylon, is America beyond His reach?  If God can move the heart of the king, is He not able to move the heart of a President, or a citizen like you?

The world comes to America’s bar demanding the wine of capitalism, a golden cup that looks so wonderful, that provides such a rush of success and power and accumulation.  God is using America to let the world get drunk on the color of money.  Divine conspiracy is behind financial intoxication.

Are you drunk on accumulation?  Do you have your collection of greenback wines, saved for savoring your success?  Are you stepping up to the bar and demanding one more drink from the glass of power, wealth and status?  While the world gets drunk on success, God is setting the stage for something else.  Are you celebrating with the crowd or preparing for His purposes?

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